Drunk Boyfriend

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In the following days, not much out of the ordinary happened. I had visited the beach to express my gratitude to the lifeguards for saving my life, handing them a box of chocolates as a token of appreciation. However, I couldn't bring myself to talk to Jesse again; I was too embarrassed.

I also made an effort to avoid my boyfriend. This wasn't too difficult since he spent most of his time at the bar with friends, as far as I knew. I had asked my boss for as many shifts as possible to keep myself away from home. This way, I wasn't around from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and he typically left the house around 6 p.m. to go drinking.

One day, I was told that the Bucket List was closed, and I assumed it wouldn't be a problem. I planned to wake up early and leave before James could see me all day.

It didn't go as I planned, because he knew the restaurant was closed. Instead, when I woke up, he was waiting for me in the kitchen. "You didn't go to sleep, didn't you?" I asked cautiously.

"No! Hahaha! Hip! I drank a LLLLLLOOOOOOOOTTTTTT last night. It was WONderful! Hip!" He announced, struggling to maintain his balance. 

"Go and sober up, then, I don't want you here if you're drunk!" I asserted, finally deciding that I wouldn't tolerate his treatment any longer. Jesse had helped me realize my self-worth. But I regretted my words as soon as they left my mouth.

"You said WHAT?" He screamed.

"Nn- Nothing! It's alright..."

Enraged, he hit me in the face and then in the stomach, causing me to double over in pain. He grabbed his beer and threw the bottle at me. It shattered on impact with my shoulder, causing me to scream in pain before collapsing to the floor, struggling to catch my breath. My entire body throbbed with pain. I watched as James approached me and delivered a final kick before leaving the apartment.

I managed to sit up, reaching for my phone. I didn't want to, but I knew I needed help. I dialed the number and waited as it rang. Once... Twice... Tears streamed down my cheeks as I heard:


"Je- Jesse?" I sobbed.

"Olivia? What's wrong?"

I couldn't find the words, I could only cry.

"Olivia? Please, darling, answer me! Where are you?"

"At... At home..." I stammered, tears continuing to flow.

"Don't move, I'm coming. Give me a few minutes!"

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