XXVI : Aslan's Sacrifice

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Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

Aslan's Sacrifice

The rest of the day was full of more practicing. The Pevensie's acted as if nothing had happened earlier and Elizabeth helped train Peter and Edmund with their sword fighting while she helped Susan with archery. Although, most of Elizabeth's time was spent with Aslan. The Pevensie's didn't think that much of it considering the camp called Elizabeth Aslan's daughter to begin with so they figured this was normal behavior. The rest of the camp knew better though and Oreius was beginning to suspect something was up.

After the sun had gone down and everyone had retreated to their tents and the torches outside were lit, Susan and Lucy went to Elizabeth's tent and were surprised to find that she was again not there. The first night Elizabeth was gone to rescue their brother from Jadis but there was no reason that Elizabeth should not be in here tonight. The girls went to sleep but Lucy woke up sometime in the middle of the night tossing and turning not able to fall back asleep. As she let out a sigh and rustled around in her bed she finally laid on her back and looked up at the top of the tent hoping to fall asleep. The torches from outside were casting shadows in the tent and Lucy shot up in her bed when she noticed the shadow of a lion and a girl with a cape walking by the tent. It must have been Aslan and Elizabeth, but why would they be up and walking around at this late in the night?

"Susan!" Lucy whispered but called out to her sister waking her up.

Susan looked at Lucy with a strange look not understanding why in the world her sister woke her up in the middle of the night, but instead of explaining, Lucy just hopped out of bed as she put on her shoes, cape, and grabbed her dagger and healing cordial. Susan got the idea and began to do the same. She grabbed her shoes, cape, horn, and bow and arrows and followed Lucy out of the tent. Sure enough, when they left the tent and rounded the corner, they saw Aslan and Elizabeth walking up the hill behind the tents and retreat into the woods. They both exchanged curious glances between themselves before sneaking up the hill and into the woods as they followed the pair.

The two walked through the woods in no hurry, Aslan's head and shoulders were slumped as if he was carrying a big weight and Elizabeth walked beside the lion with her hand holding onto his mane. The two sisters would hide behind trees in the woods and after Aslan and Elizabeth would distance themselves for a little bit, the girls would sprint closer behind another tree careful not to make any noise. Lucy, however, ended up stepping on a twig that made a cracking sound that echoed through the woods causing Aslan and Elizabeth to pause in their tracks. Elizabeth turned around to look where the sound came from while Aslan stood still and continued to face forward. "Shouldn't you both be in bed?" he gently asked the girls but his tone sounded somewhat heavy and heartbreaking.

The sisters exchanged ashamed looks knowing they had been caught before emerging from behind the tree. "We couldn't sleep," Lucy said softly as the girls walked over to the pair.

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