XXI : Stoned Fox

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Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

Stoned Fox

Jadis stood in horror at what was displayed beneath her. What in the name of Narnia happened? The ice was gone. The snow was gone. The cold was gone. Everything she had worked for all this time had practically vanished, almost as if she had never even existed. The waterfall and river displayed beneath her had all but melted away and was pumping Crystal blue water down the river and into the valley. Her eyes were huge and she found herself short of breath. Who did this?

"It's so . . . warm out," Ginarrbrik said in awe as he looked at the sight around them. He began to take his hot fur coat off until he received an icy glare from Jadis and decided it would be better to leave the coat on, no matter how hot he may be. "I'll go and check the sleigh," he said in an attempt to get away from her.

Edmund smirked at the dwarf, what a wimp. Although he had to admit, Narnia in the spring without the snow was quite a sight to see. The place was beautiful with the fresh green grass and sky blue water. Narnia even smelled sweet, like a new beginning. However, it was very clear that Jadis did not share the same opinion as Edmund and continued to stare at everything in shock and disgust.

"Your Majesty," someone called out from behind the two. When they turned around, they were greeted by Maugrim and his pack exiting the woods and entering the little patch of grass that Jadis and Edmund were now standing on beside a cliff. They didn't know it, but it was actually the same spot where Edmund's siblings, Peter and Susan, stood arguing not even a couple of hours ago.

As the wolves came closer, Edmund saw someone else was with them. A flash of reddish/orange and brown fur stood out and he realized it was a fox that Maugrim was carrying in his mouth. The fox looked to be sad and exhausted as it laid limp in Maugrim's grip, honestly, it was a sad sight to see to Edmund.

"We caught the traitor," another wolf in the pack explained to the Queen as he stood next to Maugrim. "He was rallying your enemies in the shuttering woods."

At these words, Maugrim tossed the fox out of his mouth causing the fox to go airborne and hit the ground hard on its side. The fox let out a yelp of pain with the impact causing Edmund to wince out of pity for the poor creature. The fox truly looked pitiful as it managed to regain its footing and stood up carefully to regain balance.

The fox was Malaki, as soon as the wolves had lost the Pevensie siblings they were quick to hunt down Malaki and kidnap him. He wasn't actually that hard to find considering Malaki had only made it a few miles from where they last met trying to find troops for Aslan's army, being very through to find anyone he could for the cause.

"Ah, nice of you to drop in," Jadis said in a gentle greeting to the fox with her eyebrows raised and making her way in front of the fox with Edmund falling in right behind her. "You must have been so helpful to my wolves last night, perhaps you can help me now."

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