XI : Narnia's Prophecy

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Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Narnia's Prophecy

Someone entered Narnia. Could it really be true? After being here for sixty years, could it really be that simple? Elizabeth continued to pace back and forth outside of Aslan's tent. The previous night Aslan had said the gateway had reopened and during all the excitement going on throughout the camp, by nightfall Aslan had said with a heavy heart that the gateway had resealed itself once more. The worst part was whoever had come into Narnia had returned as well. Aslan then told her to go to bed but Elizabeth was unable to sleep, and how could she? She just found out she had an opportunity to return home only to discover soon after she was once again stuck.

As she paced outside of Aslan's tent she couldn't get the thought out of her head. The gateway had opened back up. For almost a single moment she had the opportunity to return home, and that moment fled from her almost as fast as she had received it. She chewed on her fingernails as she walked back-in-forth, this had become a terrible habit she had started doing recently. Whenever she found herself deep in thought she would start chewing on her nails. Not biting them or chewing them off, just nibbled on them. Of course, Malaki thought this was the strangest thing but she couldn't help it.

It must have been around four in the morning and it was still pitch black outside. All the fires were out throughout the camp and no one was outside except for a few centaurs and fauns guarding the outskirts of the camp. Elizabeth sighed and sat down in the grass and stared at the camp. She loved Narnia, she really did. She loved the skills she had acquired as well like battle skills, astronomy, survival skills, and of course magic. Even more so, she loved the friends she had made while she had been here. Aslan and Malaki would always be etched into her heart. But she still missed home more. She missed her father and of course her brother.

Digory had always been her favorite brother out of the two. Cedric, her older brother, and she never got along. Cedric had always been the uptight older brother. Always stubborn and uptight. He would pick a fight with the siblings almost on a daily basis. Even her sister didn't get along with Cedric, and she had been stuck with him longer than Digory and Elizabeth. Sybil was the oldest sister and was the protector sibling. After their mother died, Sybil really stepped up and watched after the family. Always helping their father around the house and assisting Digory and Elizabeth constantly. Sybil was the only sibling who could stand Cedric. Mostly because she lived with him the longest and because they were the two oldest siblings and only ten months apart, they were constantly stuck together and we're kind of forced to get along. Sybil was the only one to stand up to Cedric and the only one Cedric would occasionally listen to as well. As bad of a brother as Cedric had been, Elizabeth still missed him. She at least missed his snippy remarks and short remarks. Sybil and Elizabeth were pretty close before their mother died. After their mother passed, Elizabeth didn't see Sybil as much. Since she was helping around all the time and she and Cedric were gone to boarding school half the time Elizabeth rarely ever saw her sister anymore.

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