XVI : Aslan's Camp

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Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Aslan's Camp

The gateway had opened twice within the past two days. It opened sometime the previous night and closed back up within about an hour or two after it had opened. Then once earlier today. Except this time was different. It opened up around noon and it was now dark again, and the portal was still open. It had never been open this long as compared to before. Aslan had told Elizabeth that the two Sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve were certainly in Narnia. This must be why the gateway was still open: because they were still here.

Elizabeth was already beginning to feel the effects of the gateway remaining open. It was almost as if age was finally rushing back into her fingertips. She couldn't quite explain it, but she knew the wheels had begun turning and now as the years continued in Narnia so would she. Unlike before where she wouldn't age due to the gateway being closed, as long as the gateway stayed open Elizabeth would be able to grow with time once more.

Aslan's camp had finished their move to the Stone Table the night before and were still finishing all the unpacking and setting up the tents. Elizabeth was taking a break from the rush of the camp's energy and put away some time for herself. Beside the camp was a stream, and instead of getting in the water, Elizabeth was positioned beside it under a great oak tree practicing her magic. She hadn't worked her magic for a while now and if the prophecy really was coming true, it was about time she stepped back on it and redeemed herself. For the time being, she was working on moving water.

A bright blue color shone from her eyes along with the sky blue strings of color around her hands and intertwined in her fingers as she focused her energy. At the moment, Elizabeth was attempting to control the water into small water balls (like a snowball) to catapult them at her choosing. The water easily bent to her will glowing a bright blue like her eyes and followed the motion of her fingers and hands, rising from the water and shaping itself into a ball around the size of a cantaloupe. Then, by a fling of her wrist, the waterfall flung into the air hitting a tree right in the center across the stream from Elizabeth. Elizabeth smirked into a toothless smile as she watched the water do as it was told. At least she remembered how to control water.

After blinking her eyes and releasing her energy, her eyes returned to their former natural blue tint. She let out a sigh before sitting on a rock beside the stream. This was all really happening. The prophecy was coming true, and soon the battle against Jadis would come. Elizabeth still didn't know if she was ready to face what she knew was coming.

But for now, none of that mattered. All she needed to worry about was maintaining her magic and Elizabeth would be fine. She pulled herself together before standing once more ready for another rep. This time she would work on her nature abilities, and there was no need to work on blooming a flower or growing an apple. It was time Elizabeth worked on a grander scale once more. Even though she knew she would strongly regret it after. Whenever Elizabeth would produce magic on a larger scale, it would be more energy draining and cause her more exhaustion. This meant that after performing something like this she would need a longer time to rest and recharge before she could produce something with a great effect once more.

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