XVIII : Finding the Pevensies

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Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Finding the Pevensies

His paws left tracks in the snow as he pranced along the ground. The last known sighting of the children was where a faun named Tumnus lived. Malaki had never met the faun, only heard stories about him from Elizabeth. No one else really talked about him, almost scared to talk about him like he was long gone in history. The cardinal that saw them delivered this message a mere couple of hours ago, which meant the children must be far away from there now.

Malaki had been gone for almost a week ago still searching for the Son's of Adam and Daughter's of Eve that Aslan told him to find. So far the cardinal's information was his only lead on the children. No one had seen or heard of the children that Malaki had come into contact with except for this Cardinal. He knew he had to find the children, if not at least make sure the Witch didn't.

He couldn't deny how much he missed Elizabeth either. She was his best friend and companion. At one point even his mother, although he didn't consider her his mother anymore but instead as equals. He figured Elizabeth felt the same as well considering she treated him as her equal. As loyal as he was to Aslan, he always hated having to be separated from Elizabeth for a long time. Especially for this mission, he had a strange feeling He couldn't explain that he wasn't going to be coming back to the camp for a while.

For now, he had been trudging through the dark for a good hour and there was still no sign of the children. He let out a sigh that echoed throughout the stillness and silence of the woods. How could four children go unnoticed throughout the woods? Someone had to be with them. The only question was who, and could they be trusted?

Carefully, Malaki started sniffing the ground seeing if he could pick up a funny scent he couldn't quite recognize. Or even a scent somewhat similar to Elizabeth's considering she was a Daughter of Eve than the four children now in Narnia should smell at least a little bit like Elizabeth. Unfortunately for Malaki though, he wasn't picking up anything, actually not any smell that even related to an animal. The snow that had been falling was so heavy that by this point it had covered up any tracks and smells that had been lingering for some time and now Malaki wasn't able to pick up anything.

A loud cry was sent bouncing through the woods and sent the ears on top of Malaki's head shooting skyward. The sound came from the camping spot of some badgers, squirrels, bunnies, and other small creatures Malaki had been to earlier that day. Of course, that was before the Witch came through and turned them all to stone. Malaki was forced to watch from a distance as the creatures helplessly were turned against their wills for doing nothing wrong, just an example of the Witch's rage. Strange that a cry would come from that direction unless someone had stumbled upon that site and seen the wreckage left behind. Only, that sound didn't seem to come from any creature Malaki was aware of. If he didn't know any better, the sound came off as very humanistic, like something Elizabeth would cry out during her battle training. But why was it coming from there?

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