XXII : The Mighty Lion

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Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

The Mighty Lion

Rhett, a centaur in Aslan's army, stood at upon the hilltop near the entrance to Aslan's camp. He was standing watch over the camp to see who would be entering or leaving the camp. Honestly, it was a pretty uneventful job. No one really came and went from the camp, at least no one he already knew was going to be leaving or entering. Although, the five dots he could see in the woods near the camp were five dots he didn't think he had seen before. There were two really small brown dots, a medium dot with what seemed to be a dress, and two larger dots one with a dress and one without. This was something Rhett had not seen before, at least not that he could remember. As the dots became bigger and he could make them out better, they appeared to be two beavers and three . . . three people? But how could that be? The only reason he even thought they looked like people was because they looked somewhat similar to Elizabeth, well the two in dresses did. Figuring this was something he should approach with caution, Rhett raised his horn and let out the warning blow as the five were near the camp.

Of course, the Pevensie's and beavers paid no attention to the horn, they didn't even know what it signaled. All they knew, was they had made it. There weary traveling had paid off, they were finally here and they could see the camp with their own eyes. The beavers were grinning from ear to ear as they approached the entrance to the camp, hugging one another as they did so, they had dreamed of this camp. Telling stories about Aslan and his daughter but never actually thinking they would actually be able to lay eyes on them. Now here they were, soon they would see what they had been dreaming of. Peter and Susan looked peaceful, tired of running and hiding, so now that they had made it to the camp it was quite a relief. Soon they would see Aslan and he would be able to help them find Edmund, which was all they were concerned about for now. Lucy, however, was grinning from ear to ear as she looked at everything around her. The creek, the trees, the flowers, the grass, the tents, the fauns, the centaurs, absolutely everything was marvelous to her. Who would have thought all of this was inside the back of the wardrobe?

As they were walking along, Lucy got the sense that someone was watching them. When she turned around to see if there was anything but it wasn't what she expected. The flowers on a cherry blossom tree beside the creek were falling off, but not like flowers would typically fall to the ground. Instead, these flowers were falling and floating together in what seemed to be a stream of flowers blowing in the wind until they were in front of Lucy. The flowers formed what appeared to be a flower girl in front of Lucy that was smiling and waving to her. Lucy grinned back in awe and waved a greeting in return to the flower person. She stared at the creature for a moment until turning and then running to catch up with everyone else. This place was awesome, and for a child, this place really was a dream, like walking into a fairy tale.

The five marched into camp and looked at everything within the camp. To say it was interesting is a bit of an understatement. Everyone was looking at them, and I do mean everyone. Even the animals such as the boars, horses, and cheetahs were staring at the five of them walking through the camp. The stares were a bit uncomfortable, not to mention strange. They all acted like they had never seen humans before, but as they continued to walk, the Pevensie's were quick to remember that these people probably had never seen humans before. Still, though, they felt like a circus being paraded in front of the camp.

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