The Freeze

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I stood in the library awaiting for the principal to come on the announcements and announce that there would be no school the following Wednesday and Thursday due to the weather. There was going to be a freeze & the school board had began to cancel school in every Parish. " Excuse this interruption teachers and students, due to the extremely cold weather that is approaching.. There will be no school Wednesday nor Thursday", Haydel spoke. He repeated hisself & ended the announcement. I walked out into the halls where I saw a class in an uproar, excited because school was canceled for the next two days. " Now that's too fuckn childish ", I said as l passed by. I was on my way to the student parking lot, about to go home when i realized Caine had texted me. We had been texting back & forth every since the day of the game. While Caine was messing around with Ariana I never really cared to know him. But now that I was getting to know him, he was cool as fuck. We got along so well. As I got into the car, several more text messages appeared from my friends, excited about having no school...

Devyn : Turn Uhhhhhh, no school!!!!
What we gone do ?

Cin : Sleep over!!!!!

Arianna : shiddddd Not at my house!

Me : y'all bitches do realize it's about to be -0.0000 degrees outside & trying to turnup. count me out:p

It's not that I didn't want to be with my friends, but I wanted to spend time with Kendal. We had been on good terms, and I just knew he was thinking the same thing.


Night had fell and I sensed Kendal was up to something. He was texting back slower.. & started to piss me off, so I addressed it. I picked up the phone & called him. , " Where are you ? " I asked. " I'm around ", he replied. " We'll who are you with ? " I asked.. " Huh ? " I repeated my question since he " acted " as if he didn't hear me . " umm. I'm with.. I'm with ... Trell." Trell was a boy Cin had been conversating with for some time & Kendal & Trell were fairly close. I bit my lip trying to hold back the dog life I was about to give him cause I knew he was lying. It didn't work. " Boy fuck you, all you do is LIE. I don't know what you take me for , A DUMMY!?! fuck you. " I yelled. " you always fuckn trippn! Get off that dumbshxt. Nigga don't have to lie to you ", he argued back. I hung up in his face. I just wanted to spend some time with him, but obviously he didn't want that.


It was 12 o'clock when I had woken up. I must've dozed off. I looked at my phone to find several text from Kendal....

Kendal : Come here girl

Kendal : Blayke ?

Kendal : WYA !?

I was heated at how now that he was bored he wanted to be bothered. I replied to his text...

ME : Im on my way to Riverside.

He replied INSTANTLY

Kendal : what you going do up there!!? You never go up there girl.

I ignored his text & texted Trey.

Me : hey, You up ?

Trey : yeah,Wassup ?

Me : can I come see you ?

Trey : yeah, Come on.

I called Devyn, " hello ? " she answered confused. " you wanna come to Riverside with me ? You can spend the night by Chase while I'm at Trey's." Devyn sighed, " Yeah, that's cool.. Come pick me up, &'I could've sworn you said you didn't like him." On my way " I said ignoring the statement about Trey & I ended the call.

I smiled at the text from Trey, freshened up, slipped on my 11's, grabbed my keys & walked out the door.

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