Back 2 work.

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Its been a rough through weeks but Tony and Ziva and their baby are both fine and now everything was finally going back to nothing.

"Welcome back"Abby says as Ziva and Tony walk down to her lab.
"Thanks"The two say.
"Well i have a crime scene to get to"Tony says kissing her.
"Call me up when your back"Ziva says.
"Will do"Tony says back.

"I'm so glad you two are back and all fine"Abby says.
"Me too"Ziva says.
"You're bumo is getting bigger to"Abby says.
"So Tony told me"Ziva says.
"Its a good thing anyway have you two thought of names now we know that your having a girl"Abby asked.
"No we havent actually"Ziva says.
"Well i hear Abigail a great name"Abby says.
"Oh really"Ziva says as she chuckles.

"Ducky"Tony asked.
"Antony great to see you back and well"Ducky says.
"Thanks cant say the same about his guy though"Tony says.
"Yes well there is two shot wounds here and here"Ducky says showing Tony.

After some time the team are back in the squadroom.
"I'll take the evidence to Abby"Mcgee says as he walks off.
"Dinozzo how are you"Vance asked.
"Better thanks Director"Tony says.
"Good"Vance says as he walks off.

Bishop walks in with Gibbs.

"Mcgee gone to give evidence to Abby"Tony says.
"Right check the guys history find any information you can"Gibbs says as Tony nods.

Ziva and Mcgee walk in.

"Ziva find out any suspects"Gibbs says.
"I'll check for any family"Bishop says.
"I'll check his phone records see who he was last in contact with"Mcgee then adds as they all go to their desk and get to work.

"What have you got"Gibbs asked.
"Henry David, Former marine retired over a year ago, 52 he is married with 3 children"Bishop,We contacted family they are on there way"Bishop says.
"No criminal records his neigbours and everyone said he was a great guy all shocked to find he was murdered"Mcgee says.

"Right keep on looking you two both ok you didnt have to come back straight away"Gibbs says.
"Yeah im fine"Ziva says.
"Dinozzo"Gibbs asked.
"Yeah boss im fine promise"Tony says as Gibbs nods as he walks off as they continue the investigation.

"Mcgee"Ziva says as he came back.
"So you and Abby havent told Gibbs yet"Tony asked.
"Nope he almost caught us though maybe we should tell him"Mcgee says.
"Its better that way one thing i regret was never telling Gibbs when we first got together it why it was worse for us when he did find out"Ziva says.
"Tell him Probe all you'll get is a headslap and a little threat by him and it will by pass"Tony says.
"I'll talk to her tonight"Mcgee says.

Bishop walks back after seeing the deadmans family.

"Whats going on in here"Bishop asked.
"Not much Probe was just telling us what he knows so far"Tony says.
"Great what have you got Mcgee"Gibbs says walking in as they continue the investigation.

They finally finish the investigation and after finishing the paperwork they were heading home.
"Good luck tell us how it goes"Ziva tells Mcgee as he nods and they leave.

Tony & Ziva apartment.

"How do you think it will go with Abby and Mcgee telling Gibbs"Ziva asked.
"Well knowing Gibbs he'll be annoyed that they broke rule 12, then he head slap Mcgee and then tell threaten him so he knows he shouldnt hurt Abby, then head slap him again"Tony says.
"You dont think he'll suspend him like he did you"Ziva asked.
"Maybe but then im me and he is Mcgee he wont fight back with Gibbs like i did"Tony says when Tony phone goes.

"Probe we were just talking about you"Tony says.
"He did"Tony says.
"Whats he saying"Ziva asked.
"He never been headslapped so hard than he just did"Tony says.
"He said he kinda knew already and if he hurts Abby he wont beable to walk again"Tony says.
"Ouch"Ziva says as they finish their conversation with mcgee as Ziva leans on him as they watch tv together now everything was back to normal after fighting death the couple seem to go through everything and still fight.

"You still want this life"Ziva asked.
"Yeah i do"Tony says kissing her forehead.

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