Telling Mcgee and Abby.

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Tony and Ziva walk in the next day.

"Hey Boss"Tony says.
"Dinozzo, Ziva grabbing a coffee"Gibbs says.
"Ok"Tony says.

"Hey"Mcgee says.
"Hey Mcgee want to go grab dinner with us tomorrow Abby invited"Ziva says.
"Yeah sounds great"Mcgee says as Ziva smiles.

Gibbs came back with his coffee.

"Gibbs can i do the field work just for today until we tell them"Ziva asked.
"Ziva this is risky i cant let you do that"Gibbs says.
"How about i just go to the crime scene if theres a body and do just desk work please"Ziva says.
"Only for today you stay with either me or Tony the whole time"Gibbs says.
"I will"Ziva says going back to her desk.

Gibbs soon gets a call about a dead Marine and they head off the investigation takes all day as Gibbs heads to buy Pizza for the team.

"Sorry we cant come to dinner now"Mcgee says.
"Yeah i was looking forward to it"Abby says also in the squadroom sitting at Gibbs desk nobody else was there as they already finished their investigations.

"Its ok"Tony says as he looks at Ziva who was still trying to find information for the investigation as she looks up and they eye eachother and Ziva slightly nods.

"Eh you two campfire"Tony says as the four sit around the middle.
"What did you find something"Mcgee asked.
"No we want to tell you something and well we were going to at dinner"Ziva says.
"Ok"Abby says.

"Well you see, we found something out the other day"Tony says.
"What?"The two say.
"I'm Pregnant"Ziva says.
"OMG"Abby screams.
"Abby"Tony says.
"Are you serious"Mcgee says.
"Yeah"Tony says and grabs the scan photo from his wallet and shows them.
"OMG this is amazing"Abby says.
"Yeah well we already told Gibbs and Ducky knew we wanted you two to be the first ones to know especially as you'll be sucspious when i stay here and dont go to crime scenes and do field work and stay here"Ziva says.

"Wait i get to be Aunt Abby right"Abby asked.
"Of course"Tony says as a Abby smiles.
"And Mcgee would be uncle Mcgee"Abby says.
"No"Tony says.
"Fine uncle Probe"Abby says.
"Now that does sound good"Tony says Ziva shakes her head.
"And Gibbs will be Grandpa Gibbs"Abby says thats when the three burst out laughing.
"I dont know Abs"Tony says.
"Oh come on you know that would totally be who he is"Abby says.
"Who is what Abs"Gibbs says walking in.

"Pizza"Tony says as he got up and took a box and took slices then handed the box to Ziva who was at her desk.
"We just told Mcgee and Abby the news"Ziva says.
"Ah right"Gibbs says as the three were still smiling about abby's comment of Gibbs being the childs grandfather and the more Tony thought about it the more he realised he probably would be.

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