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Ziva and Tony woke up in eachothers arms every chance they had with eachother they'd use it.

"That was an intresting day"Tony says.
"Yeah, just one question were not married right it was us as them people"Ziva asked.
"Hm i actually don't know, good question for when we head to work"Tony says back.

Ziva got dressed and threw a pair of jeans and shirt at Tony.
"You left them round mine the other week"Ziva says.
"Why thank you"Tony says kissing her cheek before he gets himself ready.

The two were soon walking into the bullpen 7am with their coffees

"Morning"Tony says.
"Morning"Mcgee says as he was typing away.

"Gibbs question Ziva and i aren't actually married right"Tony asked.
"No DiNozzo your not"Gibbs says.
"Ok that answered my question"Tony says and as Ziva was at her desk.

"Hey what's everyone doing for the holidays this year"Mcgee asked.
"Haven't decided yet"Ziva says."me either but hopefully be with one person in partucular"Tony says winking at Ziva as she smiles.
"Well think about that later, we got a dead Marine, grab your gear"Gibbs says as the three grab their stuff and follow Gibbs to the Elavtor.

The four arrive at the scene it was a ship.

"Oh the joys"Tony says as they climb on bored and they move to the scene.

"Did he jump"Ziva asked.
"Apparently so"Mcgee says as Tony picks the ID card up.
"Dean Roberts" Tony says.
"Right Tony,Ziva check his bunk on the ship see if you can find anything"Gibbs says the two nod and walk off as Gibbs and Mcgee continue at the crime scene.

"I swear we've done something like this before"Ziva says.
"Yeah we did"Tony says as they look round and knocks when they got to the number.

"NCIS open up"Tony says and a man opens up with anothet one younger than him on a bed.

"Is this the bunker of Dean Roberts"Tony asked.
"Yeah his bed is over there"One man says.
"Why are you here don't you only come when someone is dead" the younger one asked.
"Dean Roberts was supposed to off jumped of the ship this morning heard anything about that"Ziva asked.
"No omg" the young one says.
"Calm down mate" the older one says.

"We've all just come back on the ship we've had time off aload of us have come to the ship have time off and come back and others don't, Dean was new last year and he is this year"The older guy says.

"What was Dean like"Ziva asked.
"Last year great he was the fun of the party you know whenever you felt down Dean would be there to make you laugh he was like that best friend or brother"The man says.
"But this year it was different he kept saying he regrets coming back though when he did leave earlier this year he was buzzing to come back"The man says.

"So did he jump" the younger one asked.
"We do not know yet"Ziva asked."Do you know anything"Ziva asked.

"He was my brother, half we have different dads we said we wouldn't speak of it when i came"The guy says.
"What is your name"Tony asked.
"Cody,thats Taylor Vincent"The young man says pointing to the older guy.
"Dean and Cody Roberts ok got it"Tony says.
"I promise when we find out what happens you'll be the first to know"Ziva says she could see he was deverstated.

After going through everything they head back to Gibbs and Mcgee and they head back to investigate.

"You two i forgot to say great work for yesterday"Vance says.
"Thanks"Ziva says.
"Yeah Tony especially improvising like you did you'd think you are a pro"Mcgee says back.
"I am a pro when it comes to being undercover"Tony says as Ziva smiles she types away.
"Yes Tony can i have a word"Vance says as they leave.

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