Where Ziva

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Winter has just started in washinton and for Tony DiNozzo it was a normal morning well as normal as it can be for him as he heads into the bullpin something different.

"Where's Ziva"Tony asked seeing her desk empty she was always the first in him her and Mcgee the two have been together secretly for over a year now.
"I don't know haven't seen her since last night she was the last one to leave"Mcgee says.

"Boss is Ziva sick or something"Tony asked.
"No not that I'm aware off why do you wanna know DiNozzo"Gibbs asked as he was heading to Vance is office.
"Well she isn't in Boss she's always here"Tony says.
"Right give her a call for me DiNozzo"Gibbs says as Tony nods.

Tony kept calling but Ziva wasn't answering she always answers.
"Can you try"Tony says to Mcgee he also calls.
"Nope nothing Tony"Mcgee tells him.
"I'm gonna ask Abby if she's seen her"Tony says.
"And if she doesn't"Mcgee asked.
"Then I'm dragging Gibbs out of that office and we are looking for Ziva"Tony says as he heads to the elevator.

"Abby"Tony says.
"Tony what can I do for you this fine morning"Abby asked.
"Have you heard from Ziva"Tony asked.
"Not since yesterday she was kinda upset though"Abby asked.
"Why?"Tony asked.
"It would have been Ziva's little sister Tali's birthday yesterday"Abby says.
"She never mentioned that"Tony says kinda upset that she never did he would of stayed with her for the evening so she wasn't alone.
"You know Ziva independent doesn't let anybody see her in pain why do you keep asking"Abby asked.
"She isn't in"Tony asked.
"She isn't her car is in the car park"Abby says with a worried Tone.
"What?"Tony says as he ran out to the car park.

Tony headed to Ziva car her keys were close by as he went over he calls her the phone wasn't ringing he saw something on the floor and ran back in.

"Mcgee check cctv footage from last night in the car park"Tony demands "NOW"Tony shouts.
"On it"Mcgee says as he starts typing away Tony ran up to Vance office.

"Agent DiNozzo" Vance says.
"It's Ziva she's in trouble"Tony says Gibbs gets up immediately as they went down.

"Not answering her phone, Ziva car is still in the car park where it was parked last night and I found this"Tony says.
"Ziva's necklace"Gibbs says.
"She never takes this off ever and the chain is broken"Tony says.
"Right let's get too work"Gibbs says.

"Tony the CCTV footage wasn't found last night"Mcgee says.
"Of course not?" Gibbs says annoyed.
"Right Mcgee check Ziva desk Tony you and I going back to the car park see if we can find anything"Gibbs says as they head back.

Tony and Gibbs head back as the look round.
"Boss" Tony says as Gibbs turnt.
"Is that blood"Gibbs says as Tony grabbed sample stuff he always has spare just in case.
"I'll give it to Abby"Gibbs says as he walks off Tony was petrified for her as he walks back in still having hold of Ziva necklace

"Anything Mcgee"Tony asked.
"Nope but I might"Mcgee says.
"What?"Tony asked.
"Her phone I'm tracing it she tried to call you last night"Mcgee says.
"Me"Tony says grabbing his phone seeing he had a missed call from Ziva but no voice mail as Mcgee checks it.

"Found her she's at the docks"Mcgee says as Tony grabbed his gun and everything and left.
"Wait shouldn't we wait for Gibbs"Mcgee asked.
" I'll meet you there"Tony says as he ran out to his car and speeded.

"Where's Dinozzo" Gibbs asked.
"We tracked Ziva phone I tried to stop him but he already left"Mcgee says.
"Right let's go"Gibbs says.

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