9: Let Me Save You

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Chapter 9: Let Me Save You


"A disease?" Aichi repeated, and Suiko nodded.

"Kourin didn't want you to know, and Ren and Asaka were the first people to know beside our family." Suiko explained, "But then last week when she was attacked by it, she decided that you should know. The other thing is that, we want you to keep this as a secret from the others. Kourin doesn't want her friends to get hurt by this."

Aichi looked down, he felt his eyes tearing up and looked at Kourin. He nodded as he agreed not to tell other people. Aichi then glanced at Ren and Asaka.

"Ren-san, Asaka-san, how long did you two know about this?" He asked.

"Only last week, we saw Suiko being sad so I asked what was wrong. She said the same as she did to you and so we decided that we should keep this as a secret too." Ren replied.

"I see..." Aichi glanced back at Kourin and held her hand, causing Kourin to look at him.


"Kourin-chan, remember when I said I'll be your knight? I think I should act as that now." Aichi told her, "I want to be your knight, your hero. Besides, you are my princess. So I'll protect you. Let me save you, let me help you through this, okay?" He whispered, and felt his eyes watering. He gulped and bit his lower lip, he looked down and tried to hold back his tears.

Kourin's hand moved slowly and touched Aichi's face, she only smiled and wiped the tears running from Aichi's cheek.

"Kourin-chan…" Aichi mumbled, "I'm sorry."

Kourin shook her head, "It's… okay… it's not- your fault."

Aichi nodded and touched Kourin's hand, it was trembling and quite cold. "I swear I'll help you."

"Thank... you…" Kourin replied.

Aichi smiled back and only stared at Kourin as she rested again. Aichi had let go of her hand and stood, he had to leave.

'I swear Kourin-chan, I will help you and save you.'


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