31: The Letter

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A/N: I'm sorry for not updating! We had an outing and there was no internet connection on that place! So sad. Anyways, let's go back to the story and happy AiKou shipping!

Chapter 31: The Letter

Kourin was at her room staring at the notebook with all the formula for their projects, she sighed as she looked at the quite confusing formulas. Kourin continued to answer some questions on there. It took her some time before finishing all of it.

As she was about to close the notebook, she noticed a little writing on the bottom of the page. Kourin smiled at the letter as she read it.

'Kourin-chan, go for it! I'll be cheering on you! Your husband, Aichi. ^o^'

The door of her room suddenly opened and Rekka went inside. "Kourin! How are you?" Rekka said as she went near Kourin.

"I'm fine, just finished my work. By the way, I might be busy since we have some projects so tomorrow I'll maybe come home late. Aichi's my group mate too so.." Kourin said to Rekka.

"Ooh, more times with your future husband, huh?" Rekka smirked and wriggled her eyebrows.

"Rekka, just stop." Kourin replied.

"Okay, okay. I just want to make you feel better." Rekka told her. "So I just heard that you might be meeting Aichi's family too, right?"

"Yeah, after our projects are done." Kourin said.

Rekka then giggled, "You know I can't wait for you to get married. I mean, when we were just kids we didn't know this would happen."

"Me too. And now I have Aichi…" Kourin smiled at the thought of Aichi and her together.

Rekka looked at the notebook and saw the writings, she also saw what was written on the bottom of the page. She couldn't help but to smile at it. Rekka knew who wrote that, and judging from Kourin's look, she's knows she's happy for her sister.

"I'll be leaving for a while, Kourin. And good luck with your project!" Rekka said and got out of the room.

Kourin nodded and looked back at her notebook, she had gotten an idea and she smiled to herself. She wrote just above Aichi's note.

And so, Kourin closed her notebook and went to sleep. Thinking about what would happen for the next day.

Kourin went to school, feeling quite uneasy. Just earlier morning she couldn't breathe normally and she went to the bathroom and hacked up some of the food she ate and some were her blood. Kourin was told by Takuto not to go to school but she insisted.

As she sat on her chair, she saw Aichi when he went to his seat too. Aichi glanced at her and smiled. "Good morning, Kourin-chan."

"Good morning, Aichi." Kourin greeted and then took the notebook from her bag. "here it is. I already answered most of it."

"Oh, thank you! I'm glad. Tomorrow's the due date, and after that I'll introduce you to my family. I'm quite excited to see their reactions."

"You think that they will like me?" Kourin asked.

"Of course! My mom likes you already." Aichi replied.

"Sendou-kun!" Shingo suddenly came running to them.


"I already finished buying and preparing the materials and our visuals, we're only needing Kourin-san's formula. Ishida's formulas only need to have a little correction, and we're fine." Shingo explained proudly as he fixed his glasses.

"Wow, you did that overnight?" Aichi said.

"With the help of Ishida, even though he's quite ruined some. But don't worry! We're gonna be fine!" Shingo replied.

Aichi grinned and thanked Shingo and Naoki as he went. The class started and the teacher was discussing about the project due tomorrow. Aichi opened his notebook when the teacher wrote on the board, but Aichi saw the page where he wrote his letter for Kourin. And he saw something written above it.

'Aichi, thank you for motivating me. It really is helpful for me. Your wife, Kourin. PS: You made me write that husband-wife thing. Idiot. I love you…'

Aichi chuckled under his breath and took a small glance at Kourin who was already focusing on writing her notes.

Aichi can only smile and look back at his notebook and also write notes.


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