Final: Together Again

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Final: Together Again

"I was once told to never call myself a hero if I can't even save my princess, I guess they were true." The blunette said as he gave a sad smile. His smile faded as he looked at the gravestone in front of him. He started to cry and held the flower tightly on his hands.


Aichi looked back at his son Eiichi, he gave a smile. "This is where your mother is at now, Eiichi-kun." He said as he wiped his tears away.

"Was mother… happy?" Eiichi asked.

"She is- was… She was very happy. She was happy that she met me, and she was happy that she gave birth to you. I'm sure, she's happy now." Aichi replied.

Eiichi puts his hand on Aichi's shoulder, he looked at the gravestone and read the carved writing.

"Kourin… Sendou…" Eiichi read, earning Aichi's attention. "Her name is beautiful…"

"Yes… yes it is…"

"Hello mother, I hope you're fine there. Father misses you so much, and I love you." Eiichi said.

Aichi smiled and looked at the gravestone. "We love you, Kourin… We love you so much." Aichi then puts the flowers on the grave and ran his fingers on the carved writing. "I miss you…" He whispered.

"Let's go home now, Eiichi-kun. What would you like for dinner?" He asked as he glanced at Eiichi.

"What did mother like back then? I'd want that too."

Aichi chuckled, "Well then… Kourin loves Beef Steak, she used to eat that when she was still carrying you."

"Let's eat that then, father!" Eiichi agreed and grinned.

The two of them went home afterwards.

Time passed, Eiichi had grown into someone like Aichi. And Aichi is proud that his son became who Kourin wanted him to be, a generous young boy who thinks about his family and friends.

Aichi watched his son as he grew, he was so proud of his son. He always look up and think of Kourin, telling her that everything is going well for him and his son.

Then, Eiichi found someone. He was the same age as Aichi was before when he fell in love to a girl, and when Eiichi introduced the girl to Aichi. Aichi told him to take care of her.

Aichi got older, and he can't believe that he would make it this far. It might be because of his vow to Kourin that he'll stay strong, and he's actually quite glad that he still is.

It went to a time that he managed to watch his son graduates, go to college, and had a job. To the point where he watched his son get married and have his own kids.

Aichi smiles as he sat on his room, the same apartment that he built his family and raise his own child.

"Yeah… it has been years, isn't it, Kourin?" Aichi whispered, he held a picture of Kourin and smiled at it. "When my time comes, I can follow you. I'll be with you again."

He heard the doorbell ring, and he went to answer it. He's been greeted by Eiichi and his grandchildren.

"Hey there, father." Eiichi smiled at him. "The kids wanted to see you."

"Sure sure, come on in." Aichi smiled back and watches as his grandchildren go inside and play.

"It sure has been a while since I visited here, father. Sorry, I was just really busy." Eiichi apologized.

"You don't have to apologize, we all get busy. Do you want some juice? I can make it." Aichi said as they went to the dining room.

"Of course, father. That's my favorite."

Aichi laughed as he made orange juice, and he also took a chocolate cheesecake that he made yesterday.

"Call the children, and we'll eat." Aichi told Eiichi. His son nodded and went to the kids.

When Eiichi went back to Aichi, he found him coughing. He immediately help Aichi. "Are you okay?"

"Yes yes… I just got a little… weird myself. Don't worry." Aichi stated and drank his juice.


Aichi gave a small smile, "Things changed through time, some things happens. People come and go, but here I am still breathing. It must be because your mother is giving me strength. But maybe she's giving me a sign now."

"What do you mean, father?"

Aichi looked at Eiichi, "I may not live for any longer, Eiichi-kun. I'm getting old now, and when that time comes… please let me be next to Kourin…"

"Father, what are you saying?! We still need you here!"

"Yeah… if only I could, I'd love to see my grandchildren grow. But my time is near, I don't have any more time."


The two of them looked at each other, then Aichi went to eat a slice of cheesecake. "I remember when Kourin would insist me to buy and make cheesecakes just for her. She's so intimidating that I can only agree, but that's one of those things that I love of her."

Eiichi then smiled at his father, he can only observe.

Aichi was laying on the bed one night, he was staring at Kourin's picture once again. He smiled, he could feel his eyes getting blurry. He feels so tired now, and he wants to go to sleep. He held the picture closer to his face and gave a kiss.

"At last, I can… be with you now Kourin." He whispered.

'Ah… I feel so tired now. I want to sleep.'

"Good night, Kourin. Let's see each other again."

As Aichi puts the picture beside him, he closed his eyes for the last time, with his smile on his face.

And so, that night. Aichi Sendou bid his goodbye. The hero who fought for his love has faded away.




He opened his eyes to see a wide greenery, he realized he was lying beside a tree. Aichi looked up, he saw a familiar girl with blonde hair and green eyes.


Kourin smiled at him, "Yes it's me you idiot."

"Oh..  oh god…" Aichi stood up, he somehow felt stronger, he looked at his hands and was surprised. "I-I'm… younger…"

"Yes, you're younger than you are before." Kourin told him.

"Kourin… you're… where are we?"

"To the place where we can always be together forever, Aichi." Kourin said and went to embrace him. "I've been watching you every time, and I'm so happy you kept your promise to be strong. You've raised Eiichi well, and I thank you for that."

Aichi smiled back, he felt himself crying again. So he buried his face on Kourin's shoulder, "I've missed you so much, Kourin. I'm so glad… we met again."

"Of course, we will meet again… And now that we did… We can be together forever now…"

"Yes, Kourin. Let's be together now."

Kourin nodded and let go, she leaned to Aichi's face. "I love you, Aichi."

"And I love you too, Kourin."

The two then kissed, after that they looked at each other and shared a laugh.

At least now, they wouldn't be far away from each other. And they would live an eternal life, with love by their side.


A/N: And there you have it, the final ending! Actually, Aichi and Kourin are now both in the afterlife, where they can be together forever.

I love you guys, I hope to see you again in my next fanfic! This was quite a journey of me and you. I really love you guys. And as always, Happy AiKou shipping!


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