You are getting abused by your boyfriend(Niall)

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Your boyfriend was a douchebag. He was rude, and flirted with everything. Yet he still wanted you to be his. You had told him that he can either be a better boyfriend or you will leave him. He didn't listen of course. You felt neglected and unloved by the person who was supposed to love you the most.

It was Prom time at your high school. Everyone, even the teachers, were buzzing for this. Well, not you. Your boyfriend hadn't even bought the tickets. It made you so mad that he was being lazy about a very important event in your last year of highschool. You didn't say anything to him about this though. You just dropped hints in hope of him noticing and realizing to go buy the tickets.

It was after lunch. One of your friends at lunchtime was spontaneously asked to prom by a guy. You knew you shouldn't have been jealous, but you were. The nicest thing your boyfriend had ever done was giving you a used ChapStick from his sister. Nevertheless, you still were unsure if you were still going to prom. You were putting your lunch bag in your locker, when your boyfriend came up to you. "I have a surprise for you." He said, holding something behind his back. "What?" You questioned. Y/BF/N revealed two prom tickets. Your eyes widen and you screamed. Some of the kids in the hall looked toward your direction. You gave your boyfriend a hug. Maybe he was becoming nicer.

It was Prom night. You had a killer dress on. Your make-up was stunning. Everything was perfect. Well, not everything. Your boyfriend hadn't showed up yet. After an hour of lateness, he showed up, with a limo. "Where were you?" You asked him. "I had things to do." You rolled your eyes and sat down.

The place was lighting up like stars. It looked beautiful. You was happy that you could be going. You and Y/BF/N was dancing, when a girl walked up to you both. "Excuse me," She said taping on your shoulder. "Why are you dancing with my boyfriend." You looked at her, puzzled. "I think you're confused, that's my boyfriend, right Y/BF/N?" The girl looked at him. He was turning a shade of red. "I understand." You whispered, then you left the buliding

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