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Allison sped down the road in the midst of the night, tears in her eyes and Rowan in the passenger seat. As she let herself cry softly, Rowan couldn't help but close her eyes and lean her head against the window being drenched by rain on the other side. There had to be a sign, she told herself as the sound of the droplets hitting the glass echoed in the car. One of you had to warn me not to go.

It wasn't that Rowan wasn't sad enough yo cry over the new found information. Maybe it was just the fact that she was numbed to mostly everything when it came to her family or fear. Happiness? She could feel that. Rowan felt it today in the confinements of that run down, blue jeep.

Allison let out a small sniffle, foot heavy on the gas pedal. The road was wet, and so were her porcelain cheeks. It didn't worry Rowan that Allison had blurred vision from her tears and a foggy windshield from the rain because her own thoughts plagued  her like the clouds of gray above them.

"She wanted us to meet her here?" Rowan questioned as soon as Allison parked the car in the clearing of the Beacon Hills Preserve, otherwise known as the forest where strange things often happen.

The brunette poked her head out of the window, watching the clouds roll in from the distance. On the horizon, Rowan could hear the far sound of a booming thunder, but she turned her head to Allison with cinched brows.

"Why would we be at the Hale house?" Rowan asked.

She's heard stories of this place. She knew of course that this was where Derek Hale used to live, and this is where he buried half of his sister's body right after she was killed. Despite the school incident and the finding of the body on Derek's property, Rowan found in herself that she couldn't pin Derek as the bad guy. Something was telling her that he was innocent, but she didn't know what it was or why she should even trust her gut.

Rowan looked out the window to inspect the run down, charred house. From rumors, she has gathered that there was a fire set to the home, killing most of the Hale members in one incident. Somehow, Derek survived, and somehow, his uncle did as well, only to be crippled severely. Derek's sister lived as well, but now she was brutally murdered.

"Kate texted me to meet her here," Allison said, unbuckling her seatbelt. The pair stayed in the car, not making any move to get out when the slight drizzle from the storm was slowly trickling from the sky. The headlights were still on, illuminating the ominous trees. Even then, there was still a darkness lurking in the distance.

"But why here—"

Rowan's words were cut off by the sound of her own scream, followed by Allison's shriek. They both looked to Rowan's window, seeing Kate out there. The droplets of water were already collecting in her hair as she motioned the two girls outside. Her smile was cynical, and Rowan shivered at the sight of it.

Still, she blamed it on the weather.

"Allison, maybe you should slow down," Rowan whispered, eyes opening when there was a sudden screech of tires. Allison had a sharp turn, still speeding down the road.

Tears were streaming down Allison's face as Rowan suddenly began to panic. It was like the pale girl's senses were unaware to the outside. She couldn't hear her best friend's pleas. Allison couldn't see past the rain. Everything was blank to her.

But everything was empty to Rowan as well.

"What is this place?" Allison asked as the three girls trekked through the tunnel.

After being led through a small passage, Kate began to guide the two teenagers through this path. It was a tunnel of some sort, built with bricks, but littered with parts of nature. There were vines crawling up the sides of the wall and dead leaves crunching beneath all of their feet as they walked.

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