Chapter 12

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Jade's POV:

"Morning Jadey" Hannah said grinning as I opened the bathroom door.

"Morning Han" I reply giving her a small smile. She went to walk off but I grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you yesterday, I was just upset I'm better now though" I say giving Hannah a hug. She hugged back tightly.

"Anyway, I have to go" Hannah said making her way to the door with a bag.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I'm moving mental institutions, I've been getting better and they thought they would move me to a less intense mental institution" She explained. I was confused because she was worst than me at one point. She must of read my mind because she replied.

"I've forgotten all about Sam now I'm getting better" Hannah says smiling.

"Don't you miss Sam?" I ask

"Sometimes but she's gone now"

"So you're leaving me" I say tearing up

"I'm so sorry Jadey, promise you'll look after yourself?" Hannah says grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

"I promise" I nod my head. She then opened the door and turned to me one last time. She smiled and nodded. Then she was gone. I was once alone again. But not for long because two familiar voices were outside my door.

"Poopey?" I heard Perrie say sweetly on the other side of my door.

"Pezza!" I squeal looking through the little slot on my door.

"Hiya Jadey" Perrie said staring at me her blue eyes sparkling with happiness.

"I don't know how you're supposed to get in?" I say my eyebrows dipping into a frown.

"Oh don't worry Jess has gone to find Dr Elliot so he can let us in"

I nod and continue to chat for Pez for a bit. I then hear the familiar thud of Jesy's combat boots hitting the tiled flooring. Dr Elliot was scurrying in front of her showing her the way to my room. I move away from the door that I knew was going to burst open with excitement any second. I heard the latch open and I was engulfed in a hug.

"Jadey I've missed you so much" Jesy says into my hair.

"We only talked last week" I laughed.

"Is it a crime to miss one of my best friends?" Jesy says squeezing me tighter.

"Woah Jessica I can't breath" I say and she loosens her grip.

"Sorry Jadey I was just excited" Jesy laughed moving away to let Perrie hug me.

"Oh baby I've missed our late night conversations when we couldn't get to sleep" Perrie laughs.

"I've missed them to" I confessed. Whenever me and Perrie couldn't get to sleep we used to have little conversations about different topics. It was kinda cute.

"Why are you guys here? It isn't visiting time till 2" I say looking at the clock on the wall that indicated that it was only 11:30.

"We were here to talk to you" Jesy says her mood becoming serious. She takes my hand and leads me to a chair. I sit down a little worried.

"So, Miss Williams told me you're supposed to be taking pills for being Schizophrenic" Perrie says taking a seat next to me. I nod.

"But you're refusing to take them" Jesy says taking a seat in front of me.

"Jade, why won't take them?" Perrie asks.

"I don't want to lose Leigh" I say squeezing my eyes shut so no tears would spill out.

"Oh Jade" Jesy sighs her expression becoming softer. She took my hand and squeezed it.

"Jade, you have to take them, we're all worried and some mixers are crying they truly miss you Jadey"

"What about Leigh?"

"She will be looking over at you in heaven" Jesy says.

"What if she is ashamed in me for letting her go" I say as tears spill from my eyes.

"She would never do that" Perrie exclaims.

"I don't want to loose her talking to her is comforting" I say.

"We have to leave now because we have a meet and greet to go to but Jade listen to me" Jesy says getting up from her chair.  I look up at her hazel eyes.

"Please take them pills! For me, Pez, your mam, the mixers and especially Leigh" Jesy says.

"I'll try" I sigh.

"No Jade! You will do it for Leigh" Perrie exclaims.

"For Leigh" I nod.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! The next chapter will be the last! I'm sorry this story has been so short but I have a little surprise for when this story is done for stay tuned for that!!

Stay awesome!
Phoebe ❤️💖❤️💖❤️

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