Chapter One

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Jade's POV

"Jade come on we have interviews" Jesy called from the door.

"I'll be out in a minute Jes" I said quietly so she wouldn't notice I had been crying.

"Look, Jade I know you've been crying but we need to forget about Leigh now, I know it hurts but we just need to move on!" Jesy said resting her head on the bathroom door.

"That's easy for you to say" I mumble feeling like punching a hole in the door.

"What do you mean by that Jade?" Jesy asked clueless to why I would be so angry with her.

"You said we have to get over the fact Leigh is dead she might of not your favourite but she's still our friend!" I say my tone of voice rising a bit.

"Look Jade I don't have a favourite in the group, ok?" Jesy says sighing.

"I've seen the way you've looked at Perrie!" I say huffing.

"I look at Perrie like that because she can actually crack a smile and be happy" Jesy replies obviously having a dig at me.

"I'm sorry I'm not so happy at the moment" I say throwing my hands up in the air.

"You were never happy when Leigh was alive you were always sad and depressed" Jesy said.

I could hear her voice moving the away from the door so she was obviously leaving.

"Well you know what Jessica at least I look happy when the camera is on you look like your on your period 24/7!" I yell.

I hear the apartment door slam. She left me. I slide down the wall and burst into tears. I need Leigh to be here cuddling up to me. Saying that everything was going to be ok and that me and Jesy were just bickering. But Leigh wasn't here. I was sat alone in a puddle of my own tears wishing I could just melt away.

Jesy's POV

The more I think about what Jade said the more I think it's true. I am grumpy all the time! But I do not have favourites! The only reason I am so friendly with Perrie is because we go out it's being going on for quite a while and we didn't think of telling Jade because of what happened with Leigh. I went back to the room I shared with Perrie and just cried because nobody was there to see me so upset. Or that's what I thought. Perrie walked out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her.

"Jesy are you ok?" She asked. 

I nod and wipe my eyes.

"You've been crying" she said walking to sit next to me.

"I haven't" I protest wiping away any remaining tears.

"Jessica tell me what up?" Perrie said staring into my eyes closely.

"Fine, I had an argument with Jade" I sigh

"What's she done now?" Perrie sighed shaking her head

"It's not her it's me" I say.

I tell Perrie the whole argument and she just nodded her head.

"Do you want me to speak to her?" Perrie asked taking my hand.

I nod. Perrie got changed and walked to Jade's room.

"Good luck" I say with a weak smile.

I was super eager to start this book and seen as I've wrote quite a lot why don't I start uploading! I will be uploading every Sunday! I hope you've enjoyed the first chapter! See ya soon!

Stay awesome!
Phoebe ❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖

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