Chapter Six

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A couple days later

Jade's POV

"Jade wanna go shopping?" Perrie asks picking up her bag

"Sure!" I say excitedly. I haven't been shopping in ages.

"Jesy we are ready!" Perrie called up to Jesy.

"Let's go!" Jesy chanted running out the door to the car.

The car journey was supposed to be 10 minutes long but for some reason took longer than expected.

"Jes, you've missed the turning for the shopping centre" I say confused.

"I know Jade that's because we're going somewhere else" Jesy says with a grin.

"Not the doctors" I whine.

"Yes Jade I'm sorry but you need to go" Perrie said trying to reassure me.

I tried opening the car door but Jesy knew straight what I was doing straight away and locked the door.

"Jade you're going" Jesy says sternly.

"You can't make me" I yell as the car comes to a stop.

"We're here" Perrie exclaimed as Jesy parked into a parking spot.

"Do you want me to carry her pez?" Jesy asks

"I'm a adult you know" I grumble

"We know but we don't want you to run off" Perrie chuckled.

"You're so funny pez" I say sarcastically. Perrie got out of the car first and then Jesy followed. She unlocked my door and picked me up.

"I wish I could be as light as you" Jesy chuckles lifting me up.

"Oh haha" I say dryly. Then Leigh appeared.

"Jade don't treat the girls like this they want to help you" Leigh says

"But they don't understand" I whine

"Jade just go and see a doctor"

"But they will think I'm crazy speaking to a ghost" I state

"I've hear worst" Leigh replies

"Oh I love you Leigh" I say

"Jade you're speaking to yourself again" Jesy says sighing

"I'm talking to Leigh leave me alone" I say abruptly

"Jade let's just get you help" Jesy says placing me in the waiting room while she signed into the doctors. We sat in the waiting for around 15 minutes before we were seen.

"Miss Thirlwall?" A male doctor with blonde hair and clipboard walks into the waiting room. I nod and make my way into the room. Jesy followed and Perrie stayed in the waiting room.

"So Miss Thirlwall i'm Dr Martin what's the matter?" Dr Martin asks. I shake my head and refuse to answer.

"Come on Miss Thirlwall you can tell me" Dr Martin says tapping my leg. I squirm from his touch and still refuse to answer.

"What about you Miss Nelson, what has Miss Thrilwall being doing?" Dr Martin asks Jesy.

"She's been talking to herself" Jesy replied.

"Oh well, why is that Miss Thirlwall?" Dr Martin asks looking at me.

"I can see Leigh" I whisper

"Leigh?" Dr Martin asks.

"She was our best friend and Jade was so attached to her" Jesy replies

"She's dead" I whisper pulling my knees up to my legs and rocking. I hated this. I wish Leigh was alive and I was the one dead.

"Look Miss Thirlwall I think you should seek help from a mental institution or something like that" Dr Martin suggests.

"I'm not mental" I protest

"I know that Miss Thirlwall but I think it's time you let go of Leigh" Dr Martin says.

" I won't and you can't make me" I yell running to the door. I went to open it when I felt a needle pierce my skin and I fell to the ground. I was imbedded in darkness.

Perrie's POV

"Will she be alright?" I ask for the hundredth time.

"Perfectly fine Miss Edwards" The doctor replies.

I turn to face Jade. Her chest rising and falling slowly.

"Pez stop worrying she had to be shot with the needle it's the only way to keep her quiet" Jesy reassures me.

"I'm worried about her" I say

"Me too Pez we just have to get her help" Jesy replies playing with a strand of my hair.

"I love you Jesy" I say kissing her gently.

"I love you too" Jesy says nibbling my lips.

"Oh get a room" we hear a voice say. Jesy pulls back her cheeks pink with embarrassment.

"Jade you're awake" I say trying to pretend me and Jesy kissing never happened.

"Yes I am and what am I doing here?" She asks annoyed.

"Oh, the doctor made you black out so you wouldn't run away" I explain. Jesy stays silent still embarrassed.

"Well can we go home now" Jade says swinging her legs over the bed and standing up.

"Woah hang on girl, you're going nowhere" I say pinning her down on side and Jesy the other

"I want to go home!" Jade screams

"Shh, not until you have medical help" I say

"I don't need help" Jade says bluntly

"You do Jade you keep talking to yourself" I say

"I'm talking to Leigh" she grumbles. Two doctors then walk in.

"Hey Miss Thirlwall, this is Dr Elliot he is going to help you get through this process" Dr Martin says

"Hi Miss Thirlwall" Dr Elliot says waving a little

"Just call me Jade" Jade says blushing.

"Dr Martin told me everything and I think we should refer you to a mental institution" Dr Elliot says

"But I'm not a sociopath like half of the people there" Jade says angry

"I never said you were Jade, you just need a little bit of help and you will be right as rain in no time" Dr Elliot said smiling.

"Fine" Jade grumbled.

"Good, now then would you like to follow me and I would say goodbye to your friends they will only be visiting you Tuesdays and Fridays" Dr Elliot said with a smile.

Jade nods and gets up from her bed. "Bye then" She says hugging Jesy then me.

"Bye Jade, we love you" Jesy says breaking her silence.

"I love you too I guess" Jade says walking out the room with Dr Elliot.

"She's in good hands" Dr Martin says once she left.

"See Perrie she's going to get better" Jesy says smiling a little.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Hopefully this story isn't boring! What do you think will happen at the mental institution?

Stay awesome!
Phoebe ❤️💖💖❤️💖❤️

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