Chapter Four

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Jade's POV

I woke up to the sound of Jesy shouting my name so loud I'm surprised Australia can hear her. As I came to my senses I realised Leigh had disappeared.

"Jes, where's Leigh?" I ask.

"Jade you know where she is silly" Jesy says shaking her head.

"She was here last night we were hugging and telling we loved each other" I say smiling at the memories.

"Jade are you feeling alright?" Jesy asks coming over to me and checking my temperature just in case I was ill.

"I'm perfectly fine now I've seen Leigh" I say.

"I'm going to go to get Perrie" Jesy says running out the room.

Minutes later Jesy was back with Perrie scurrying behind her.

"Jade, Jesy told me you saw Leigh" Perrie says

"I did" I say smiling

"Its probably just a dream" Perrie says shrugging.

"Yeah probably but I would keep an eye on her" Jesy says.

"Now let's get ready to go to the studio" Perrie yells. We then all get ready for studio.

In the studio:

We've made 3 songs for this album already but we still need a couple more and then we have to do photo shoots and promo that I aren't ready for. But anyway studio writing isn't the same without Leigh. She comes up with brilliant ideas and probably wouldn't be where we are if she never co wrote every song off Glory Days she's just amazing. Anyway as my thoughts were drifting off I saw Leigh again.

"Lee Lee you're here " I squeal like a little girl.

"Yes Jade I saw you need some help writing I could help" she says.

I nod and move over on the sofa.

"So Jade we could have something like a bass dropping" Leigh suggests.

"Ooo I like that Leigh" I say.

Then Jesy and Perrie walked in.

"So Jade have you got any ideas?" Jesy asks going to sit next to Perrie on the other sofa.

"Yes, Leigh helped me with this one" I say handing the lyric book over to the two girls.

"Leigh?" Perrie says confused.

"Yes Leigh she's right there" I say pointing to Leigh's glowing figure.

"Hiya Pez, hiya Jes" Leigh says waving.

"Jade are you feeling alright, Leigh isn't there" Jesy says shaking her head.

"I don't think they can see me" Leigh whispers.

"But she's right there" I say getting angry.

"Look Jade I think you should see someone like a doctor or something" Perrie says.

"There's nothing wrong with me!!" I yell storming out the room in tears.

"Jade wait up" Leigh shouts floating after me.

"What Leigh? I hate them why can't they see you?!" I say.

Leigh pulled me into a hug. "Look I was told before I come down here that only one or two people would be able to see me" Leigh explains.

"Oh" I mumble into Leigh's jumper.

"Now Jade why don't we have some fun" Leigh says grabbing my hand and floating to the door.

"What? Where?" I ask confused.

"You'll find out soon enough" Leigh says smiling.

Guys! I've decided to post Wednesday and Sunday now so you don't have to wait a whole week! So, where do you think Leigh is taking Jade?

Stay awesome!
Phoebe ❤️💖❤️💖❤️

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