Chapter Five

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Jade's POV

Leigh led me all the way to a prison on the other side in town.

"Leigh why are we here?" I ask confused and worried.

"We're going to possess Josh" Leigh says with a grin.

"Oh Leigh I love you" I chuckle.

"Now let me tell you what the task is" Leigh says leading me to a park bench.

Half an hour later:

Leigh explained everything. When I go into the police station I demand to see Josh. Hopefully they will let me see him and then I will spook him out while Leigh possess him.

"You ready Jade?"she asks jogging around excitedly.

"I'm ready as I can be" I say making my way up to the police steps with Leigh following behind me.

"Can I see Josh Barton by any chance?" I ask the police officer behind the desk.

"Sure anything you want to talk about in particular?" The police officer ask.

"No I just want to speak to him about Leigh" I lie

The police officer nodded and led me to Josh's police cell. I was actually grateful that I was the only one who could see Leigh because this would be a whole different story.

"Josh someone is here to see you" The police officer said opening the cell door and pushing me in.

The door then shut and I was locked in with Josh.

"Um hi Josh" I say awkwardly. Josh looked up from his hands and looked me up and down.

"What do you want Jade?" He says annoyed

"Let me speak to you about Leigh" I say sitting in a chair across from him. This was risky as he has a bad temper and I don't want him lashing out at me.

"What about Leigh she's dead, Jade, there's nothing to talk about" he sighs.

"What if she's not dead" I say. Josh just scoffs and shakes his head.

"You're nuts in the head Jade" he says. I saw Leigh going nuts and I think it was time to possess him. I started to do the Latin chant in out song 'Lightning'. I started off quietly so only josh could hear me but then I got louder as Leigh got closer to him.

"Jade you're scaring me" Josh says shuddering as Leigh touches him. I carried on chanting as Leigh did all her powers to possess him. Once she was done I demanded I was let out of Josh's cell and as I left I quoted 'Lightning'

"I wish I never loved you again"

The door then shut and I left Josh rocking back and forth with fear. I then stumbled into the broad daylight laughing with Leigh.

"You did brilliant" Leigh said giving me a high five. I then noticed people giving me looks and I realised they can't see Leigh and I gave a high five to the air.

"Leigh maybe we should go home for some cuddles" I say smirking.

"That would be lovely" she says taking my hand and pulling me back to my apartment.

Jesy's POV

"Pez I'm worried about Jade" I say sitting down next to her on the sofa.

"It's probably nothing I would watch out for her and if she speaks about Leigh again I would phone the doctors" Perrie suggests.

"Do you know how much I love you?" I say sliding up to her.

"You tell me you love me everyday but I know I love you more" Perrie says bopping my nose. I then stretch out and attach my lips to her.

"I love you" I mumble between the kiss.

"I love you more" Perrie says chucking.

I then heard a thump and footsteps. That must be Jade.

"Shhh I think that's Jade" i say shushing Perrie. We heard Jade's strong Geordie accent talking away.

"Leigh I just want them to see you" I heard Jade say

"Leigh?" Perrie says confused.

"Shh let's keep listening" I whisper

"Leigh I love you so much" Jade says

"She needs help Jes" Perrie says

"I know" I say nodding. I hate seeing my Jadey like this. We then wait for Jade to come into our room.

"Hiya Pez, Hiya Jes" Jade says walking through the door beaming.

"Hey Jade we've been thinking" Perrie says gesturing to the sofa.

"Okay what's up?" She says still smiling.

"I think you should see a doctor and seek help" I say looking down at the floor

"There's nothing wrong with me" Jade protests

"Jade you are talking to Leigh and Leigh isn't here" Perrie says

"She is!" Jade shouts.

"Look Jade you'll going to doctors if you like it or not" I sigh.

"I'm not going" Jade says crossing her arms.

"You're going" I sigh

"Not!" Jade shouted like a child.

"Do it for Leigh" I whisper

Jade just nods not even using Leigh as an excuse would make Leigh go to the doctors.

Oh this chapter is quite long! I hope you enjoyed! I have some thanks to give out!

thatjerrieshipper and lanislays Thank you so much for the idea for Leigh's Ex being possessed!

Stay awesome!
Phoebe ❤️💖❤️💖❤️

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