Chapter Three

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Leigh's POV (Yep a ghost has a point of view)

"LET ME OUT" I scream banging on the gold metal gate holding all of us in.

"Leigh I know you want to get out but you have to sign some papers" The guard by the gate says.

"I just want to be with Jade" I say.

"I know you want to see your love ones but you have to sign the register before you can cross the bridge" The guard said sternly.

"Alright I'll go and join the big line of people also registering" I grumble walking off to join a line of 1000 people.

"How long is this going to take" I grumble to myself.

"Not too long" A voice in front of me says.


"I should introduce myself I'm Sandy and you are?" The women behind me turns around and greets me.

"Hiya Sandy, I'm Leigh" I say

"So Leigh how did you die, if you don't mind me asking?" Sandy says

"I got hid to the ground and that's where I broke my skull and developed a blood clot" I say.

"Wow your death is kinda exciting" she jokes

I laugh half of the jokes up here are about death seen as we've all been through it.

"How about you? Was it advent full?" I joke.

"Me? I died of old age" Sandy says.

"Old age you don't look a day over 40" I say

"Ooo your making me blush, I'm 78 actually" The old women said

"78! You don't have a wrinkle on you" I say shocked

"You're such a flattering young women" Sandy says blushing

"So anyway who are you going to possess first?" Sandy jokes nudging me

"Well I may as well possess the idiot who did this to me" I chuckle

"Ooo I'm not sure who I would possess probably my ex I had when I was your age" She laughed.

With all this talking we hadn't realised we were at the front of the line. Sandy signed her slip to say she was going to greet her family from heaven and went to leave.

"Until we meet again Leigh remember to possess that boy right" she jokes.

"She you soon Sandy have fun with your grandchildren" I say saluting her.

It was then my turn to sign in. After signing to guard opened the big gold gates and I floated back to earth to surprise my little Jadey.

Jade's POV

"Jadey please get up" I felt hands shaking me roughly from my slumber.

"Jade, John wants you" I opened my eyes and saw Perrie shaking me.

"Pez I don't want to go" I say slapping her.

"Jade you have to go it's only down the hall" Perrie say hauling me out of bed.

She then grabbed a brush and brush my hair down.

"Now Jade come on" She says pushing me out of my apartment and down the corridor to our manager, John, was staying.

"Hiya Jade please have a seat" John says taking my hand and guiding me to a chair.

"Perrie you can go now" John said nodding at Perrie. She gave me a worried look and left.

"Now Jade I saw you stormed off in an interview" John says. I looked down at my hands not giving him eye contact.

"Jade do you want to leave the group?" He says.

I shake my head.

"Jade look at me and answer" He says sternly.

"I don't want to leave" I whisper looking at him deep in his eyes.

"Good now shoo you have studio writing soon" he says shooing me away.

I walk out the door and found Perrie the other side.

"I hate John" she whispers to me.

I just nod and trample to my room.

"Jade, Jes and I are going out wanna come?" Perrie asks.

"Nah I wanna stay here" I say

"Jade come on have a drink be a party animal" Perrie says.

"I don't want to come now I have 'The Notebook' to watch" I say slamming the door and sliding into my bed. I was half way through 'The Notebook' and tissues when the glowing figure was there again.

"Hello?" I say staring out into the distance.

"Jadey" the figure yelled running up to me

"Leigh?" I ask squinting

"Jade!!!" Leigh shouts running for a hug.

"You feel so real" I say

"It's weird being a ghost is definitely not like the films" Leigh jokes.

"I've missed you so much" I say.

Leigh moves me and positions me on Leigh's lap.

"I love you" Leigh whispered pulling me closer.

"I love you too" I say.

She leans down to kiss my cheek. I kiss back then stay in her arms for as long as I remember.

Oo so the figure is real! What do you think Perrie and Jesy will think? Will they see Leigh too?

Stay awesome!
Phoebe ❤️💖❤️💖❤️

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