Complexity, Baseball, Modeling!

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When Caleb come home from baseball camp we looked at some of the pictures that had gotten taken and we decided which ones to buy! We got about ten photos because they were pretty expensive and we didn't want that many since not all of them were good. (THE PICTURES THEY BOUGHT ARE ABOVE)

We showed Adam when he got back and he said we made good choices about which ones we chose. Then we told them both about my modeling gigs! They were super happy for me and Caleb told us about his tournament! They won in their division and got to play against a minor league team and they even got to meet some famous baseball players! It seemed like he had a lot of fun.

After catching up with Caleb Jenn brought me to dance because we had to rehearse our dance "Complexity!" It was an acro balance routine that we had performed on America's Got Talent! We were entered in a contest to perform it for the opening act at a Jack & Jack show and the contest closed today. I technically wasn't supposed to dance but my foot was feeling a lit better and Jenn said as long as I took some breaks I was fine. She stayed with me at rehearsal just in case my foot hurt again. (IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE DANCE GO ON YOUTUBE AND SEARCH "COMPLEXITY CLUB DANCE STUDIO!"

Miss Alexa brought a giant box into the studio and we all knew what that meant so we ran over to her as she pulled out costumes in plastic bags with our names on them! She called out our names and we all grabbed them and ran into the locker room! We all changed and admired each others costumes jokingly. They had suspenders which we all had trouble with and had to have Miss Alexa do. She laughed as we all walked in holding each others suspenders asking for help. When we fixed them we stretched a lot because there was a lot of flexibility stuff in our dance. We went through it once and fixed up little parts before going online to see when the winner of the contest would be announced.

At that point Jenn left because my foot was doing fine and we were basically done rehearsing. The contest winner would be announced in an hour so we decided to just hang out. There was a part in the dance when Addison swung me around and I did cool tricks and it was my favorite part so we kept doing that but adding in different tricks. Then we decided how we would do our hair if we won the contest! Kalani did my hair in pigtails with curls and a cheetah print bow to match our costumes!

Then it was time for the winner to be announced! We had been posting everywhere for people to vote for us and we were basically begging people to vote! It worked because we won! We were going to Phoenix, Arizona to open for Jack & Jack! We were all so excited and we rehearsed till the last minute! We went to get a pizza to celebrate after we found out we had won! We were so happy and we only had a few more weeks to rehearse but we were up for the challenge!

Complexity Day!

We all woke up super early to get to Arizona! We flew to Phoenix and then went straight to a hotel to get ready! Kalani decided to do my hair in french braids to pigtails with the bow! We all got our costumes on with our Complexity jackets and went to the lobby where a limo was waiting to bring us! We were so excited and had so much fun just in the limo!

We sang songs, we ate food, we took lots of pictures and we talked about the show! When we got there we went backstage to our dressing room where we stretched and rehearsed a little. Then Jack & Jack's manager came to bring us outside to meet them! We even taught them how to body roll and it was super funny! We did lots of body rolls on stage so we figured why not teach them! We even got shirts that said "I body rolled with Jack &Jack!" We gave them shirts that said "I body rolled with Complexity!"

Finally, it was time to perform! We waited backstage and then we got into our starting positions! The music played and we started dancing! I remembered to smile and be sassy which wasn't too hard for me! We introduced them and hung out a little on stage! It was super fun but we were a little said when it was over. But we had some pretty great memories.

Modeling Day 1

I had my first modeling gig today! It was one all by myself and it was for one of my favorite companies, California Kisses! They were a dance wear company and I wore their clothes a lot! We went to the beach for our first photoshoot! I got to do some fun dance moves in the sand and the sun felt so warm! We found this cool shack thing and we took some pictures in there too!

Day 2

For day 2 of the shoot they did my makeup a little differently and it made me look weird! But I liked it in a way, so did Jenn! Then they put this hair chalk in my hair and it made me have multi colored hair strands! We stayed inside for this shoot since the weather wasn't as nice but I tried on a lot more clothes and took a lot more pictures! I had so much fun! (ALL THE PICS FROM THE SHOOT ARE ABOVE!) Some other really nice girls came into the shoot too! We had a lot of fun together and took a few pics together before I had to leave.

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