Chapter Nine: Selfish

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Reader: "Is that another chapter I see before me?"
Me: "Why yes, I believe it is - but this one comes with a warning!"
Reader: *gasp horror* W-what is it?
Reader: *Falls off chair*
Me: *sly grin

Chapter Nine: Selfish

.72 hours until wedding.

I woke, hearing the quiet morning broadcasts of the radio. For a couple of seconds, I forgot where I was but when I looked around the very snug bedroom I remembered. I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks, remembering the heated kisses Connor and I had shared.

Sitting up in the bed, I couldn't help but feel refreshed. The bed was covered with soft blankets that felt amazing against my bare skin. I scrambled to get up from beneath the weight of all of them. I heard various pots and pan sounds from outside, making me smile to myself.

He was making breakfast.

Pushing myself to my feet I made my way to the door but paused to realise I was nude. I grabbed one of the lighter blankets and wrapped it around myself as I walked out. Stood, with his back facing me, was Connor. He was cooking breakfast, in a pair of low-hung shorts. My eyes were focused on some marks on his back though. They were just along his shoulder-blades. Oh god.

They were light nail marks. If I wasn't blushing before, I was now.

Connor must have sensed someone watching him because he turned to face me. A smile tugged on his lips as soon as he laid eyes on me and I felt my heart swell. As corny as that sounded. "Good morning." He said before looking back to his pans, made some adjustments before walking over to me. I looked up at him slightly as he came to a stop in front of me and pulled at the edges of the blanket. I flew forward, flush against his bare chest. He grinned and leant down, capturing my lips with his.

Heat grew throughout my body, right to the tips of my ears. I initially thought it would be a quick kiss, but I couldn't bring myself to let him go just yet. My hands slid up his chest, up his neck and stopped on his face. I was vaguely aware that a new cool breeze nipped at my skin. Connor slid an arm securely around my waist, keeping me in place as our lips moulded together. His other hand found its way into my hair, as it had last night in the tub. He loved to grip onto it and control the kiss from there.

I let out foreign sounding moans, which sounded a little too desperate for my liking but nevertheless I was definitely aroused just from his kisses.

His lips left my own and traced the outline of my jaw before moving down onto my neck. He found a particular area that he liked and I felt the graze of his teeth. I had never been given a hickey before, nor would it look to great if I was seen with one, but for Connor I would always make an exception.

He pulled back with a smile and then looked down. I followed his gaze and noticed the blanket pooled around my feet. I was completely naked. I dropped and grabbed the blanket before pulling it around me like one of the cloaks Jon Snow wore in GoT.

Connor smiled and kissed my forehead. "I washed your clothes, they're in the dryer. Go grab something of mine to wear and I'll put breakfast out." He stepped away from me and made his way over to the kitchen area again. I scurried back to the bedroom and spotted his suitcase in the corner.

I was looking through his neatly-stacked clothes when something vibrated against my hand. I jumped in surprise. I lifted a couple of his shirts and saw his phone hidden away. I couldn't help but pull it out and look it over. Glancing to the door, to check he wasn't there I looked at the screen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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