Chapter Four: Emergency man-kit

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"Now is not the time for your ridiculous macho-man act." I paused when I heard Emily's angry voice. She was definitely not a person you wanted to be around when angry- let alone in the same building. I brought my hand up and knocked on her door, to which she quickly ended the conversation with whoever she was talking to.

"Come in" her voice returned to its usual sickly-sweet tone. I walked into her room, ignoring the horrendous state of it and looked around, finding her sat on the edge of the bed with a flustered face. She stood up when she saw me and straightened herself out quickly. She looked in the mirror at herself, fussing with her hair. "Lukey, I didn't know you were all back?"

I nodded whilst grabbing her wash bag and shoving splayed clothes into it. "Just arrived back, the others have decided to host a table-tennis tournament which is far too wild for me." Em scoffed as she watched me practically hoover up the mess in her room.

"Who was that on the phone, you sounded pretty upset?" I asked, she sighed loudly as she sat down on the edge of her bed with one leg over the other. "Just work. I've left Axel in charge and so far he's fucking things up." Glancing around the room I decided that the rest of the cleaning could be done later so I sat down next to my baby sister and nudged her lightly. She looked to me, quirking a brow.

"Firstly, what kind of name is Axel? It sounds like some character from the cartoons we used to watch." Emily snorted with laughter as she lightly hit my side, "secondly, it's your café so why don't you go down there and demand answers? I call firing people in my business spring cleaning."

She shook her head, the big smile she always wore returning to her face. "I'm not as cruel as you Lukey and besides, the wedding is in a month's time and I have lots to sort out."

"Such as whether or not you want pigs in blankets or plain sausage rolls?" once again she hit me in the side making me grunt. "You don't understand, you're a man. Now go clean up someone else's room, it was an organised mess."

With a roll of my eyes I stood up but as I went to step I ended up tangling my foot in one of her wild bras. I looked to her as I shook my leg to get the creature off me. "Looks like you missed one." She said, referring to my cleaning.

I gave her my favourite finger, then turned and walked out. As soon as I was outside the echoing chant of Dennis can't play table tennis filled the hallway. Oh the creativity of that chant is flawless.

When I got to the room where everyone was I was instantly struck by how much flesh everyone was showing. Of course this was a stag event as Emily would slaughter any woman who flaunted her body around her future husband. Even though I was gay I didn't feel like stripping just to my briefs where all those around me can see how truly happy I was to be playing this game. I turned and decided to go out onto the balcony where I could get good enough signal to access my personal account to check that all my finances were in check.

After around half an hour my eyes were burning from concentrating so hard on my screen. I tilted my head back and rubbed my eyes with a groan. I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds, listening to the water from the nearby lake whoosh by and the birds gradually becoming quieter as the sun set. The only real sound was of my slow breathing as my body relaxed into the large cushioned-seat.

I briefly heard a creak from the wood of the decking but passed it off as the temperature affecting it. I only became alert when a pair of lips pressed against my own. My eyes snapped open looking directly into steel grey ones. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself." He said and bit his bottom lip cheekily then rounded the seat and plopped down beside me- only in his boxers may I just add. He glanced at my Mac screen which had thankfully gone dark. The only person I trust to look at my bank account was Davison.

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