Chapter Five: Chug and Snug

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Hurrah. Shall we all applaud how I have managed to be productive and write a chapter?! I like the name of this chapter- sounds so cute. Sorry for delay (something I find myself writing on every chapter.) Life is chaotic and it seems like i'm trying to do loads of things all the time. Stressss. But I have thoroughly enjoyed writing this chapter. 8) Lil' bonding sesh.

Please Vote and mostly please Comment because I love reading them. You are all so sweet saying you want to murder Adam ;D


Chapter Five:

The five solemn men slowly walked left and right, one after the other, presenting their best assets. Which in my opinion were my suits. Every now and then I would receive the odd quirk of the lips or a light raise of an eyebrow. To me, models were all blank canvases so I didn't stop to look at their faces. Lately, since I got home, nothing had been going smoothly. Either the suits weren't perking my interest, or my coffee tasted flat.

I dropped my pen onto the notepad on my lap and brought my hands to my face, tilting my head back. With a groan the stylist stopped talking and looked at me like I had shot him. My every word was crucial to the stylist and for me to loose so much interest where I can't even look must surely give them heart palpitations. It wasn't even the suits- it was everything. I felt uncomfortable in my suit, I felt uncomfortable holding my pen and writing, the chair felt uncomfortable and it was irritating the life out of me. "Sir?" Davison's voice made me bring my hands down my face and look to him. My eyes burning from my lack of sleep.

"Do you want a break?" he asked and I shook my head. Before he could ask anything else I jumped to my feet and grabbed my notepad. I gestured to the stylist and walked over to the first model. "The blue is drowning him out. Try a dark grey with a teal tie." The comments didn't get much better after that as I watched the poor stylist jot down three page worth of constructive criticism. Eventually Davison managed to persuade me to get some air. As we passed a mirror I sighed when I saw my eye which was still bloodshot from my anxiety attack three days ago. The stress wasn't helping. Once we had made it back to my office Davison was swift with the coffee.

I glanced at my phone as I sat down behind my desk and my screen flashed up with yet another missed call from Em. Of course she had no clue what had happened- nor would she know but I couldn't help but feel a little guilty for just leaving. Every time I thought about picking up the phone to talk to her a picture of Adam and Connor came to mind and I would put my phone quickly down. What would I even tell her? What's a valid enough reason to skip out on her weekend of family bonding?

As I sipped my dissatisfying cup of coffee a folder caught my attention. I flicked it open and groaned as soon as I saw the letter inside. Mr. Worthington, all nine suits have been completed. They have been boxed and sent to the grooms address. Regards, Ignite tailors inc.

"Sir, if I may add," I looked to Davison slowly to see him closely observing me. "You're the best man so you need to be there with them- are you not?"

I sat back in my chair and shrugged off my suit jacket. "Their wedding isn't for another couple of weeks, that weekend was purely for introducing her fiancée and now that I have met him I don't need to return until the wedding day."

"What about rehearsals? Also speeches-"

"Davison" I snapped and he closed his mouth immediately. I instantly felt guilty for shouting but mentally added it to the long list of guilty acts I had committed. "This is hardly an ordinary wedding as it is, so I doubt they will be expecting a speech from me."

After another half an hour of work I decided to call it a day before I started throttling people. I draped my suit jacket over my shoulder and walked out of the building with my calendar at hand which highlighted all up-coming events. "Lukas" I looked around then over my shoulder to see Craig and Mum. I blinked a couple of times before walking over and hugging them both.

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