Chapter Eight: Chocolate Flake

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Long time no see.

Hopefully this chapter will make up for some time. Don't worry, I've already jotted my next chapter down on paper. Just a few adjustments to do and then i'll start writing that one too.


Chapter Eight: Chocolate Flake

               .96 hours until the wedding.

The first thing I felt when I woke up was the dull ache of my head. When I tried to open my eyes all I could do was groan and fling my arm over them quickly. As I did, my hand hit something warm. I paused, ignoring my hangover as I looked to my left.

My bed-partner thankfully didn't stir even though I had whacked him. His broad back was facing me and didn't show any signs of stirring. I looked around the unfamiliar room and spotted my trousers on the floor over by the door. I quietly, yet extremely and ridiculously slowly, shimmied out of the covers and pushed myself off the bed and onto my feet. I kept looking back at the stranger as I made each step. Why did I keep putting myself in situations like this?

I crept over to the door, grabbing my briefs on the way. I looked over my shoulder once more as I bundled the rest of my clothes into my arms and commenced my walk of shame. I managed to stumble into my clothes as I reached the front door of this man's small and extremely cluttered apartment. It looked similar to the one I had rented when I initially came to London.

I rummaged through my pockets, praying I hadn't left my phone back in the room. I had rarely looked at it since last week when I had the run-in with Connor. I wasn't even surprised when I woke up naked beside this guy, as he was my second one this week.

I was fumbling around with the keys in the door when I heard the bed creak in the next room. I kept my hand on the door as I left, making sure that it didn't slam behind me. When I stood in the hallway I looked at my phone once again to see where I was.

Ignoring the abundance of missed calls, voice mail's and texts I went straight to google maps. I was half an hour away from my apartment but due to the time of day it would take me at least an hour to get home by taxi. As a resident in London, you should learn to live with the fact that you're going to spent about 75% of your day stuck in traffic.

Uber was my next port of call as I walked to the lift, at a hefty pace.

The lift groaned in protest as it started its way up to the floor I was on. I tapped my foot as I waited, paranoid that the man would come out of his apartment and ask why I wasn't staying for breakfast- like the other man had done.

When the doors finally opened, I hesitated, seeing the inner light flicker and the graffiti-stained walls. I felt like I was suddenly transported into some Stephen King movie.

I got inside, the floor creaking under my weight. To distract myself from the rising anxiety in my gut I decided to look over my messages. A text from Emily was the first one that caught my attention, that didn't give me the desired effect I had wanted.

"Have you seen Connor?"

Unlike everyone else, Em had only texted me the once. I decided to go to Craigs' next, as he would probably be the one to write out an essay with exact details.

"Luke, Connor and Kaleb are both missing. There was an altercation between them both which resulted in Connor punching his brother-" I looked up as the lift came to a stop and I made my way through the hallway and out of the building.

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