Chapter Six: Sprouted

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Chapter Six

My heart was practically thumping out of my chest as I got out of my car and started walking towards my sisters' pride and joy- her café. Stood in front of the building was Amanda Vincent, Adams ever-so-pregnant wife. She wore a clingy dress which enabled her to show off her plump stomach and as it was gold it drew more attention towards her. It was inevitable, no matter which direction I came from, I was going to end up greeting her. I wonder if I pretend not to know her?

I shook my head before I fixed one hand in my fitted dark blue jeaned pocket and the other hanging down by my side. Play it cool Lukas.

I crossed the road safely but by the time I got to the entrance of the café Amanda was gasping loudly. I looked towards her to see she was staring right back. "Lukas Worthington, is that you?" she asked, walking towards me. I would actually call it less of a walk and more of a waddle. I must admit, she had aged well. Her hair looked professionally styled, as well as her make-up which actually complimented the ginormous bulge at her waistline.

"Amanda?" I replied in the same in-state-of-shock voice she had used on me which made her nod her head frantically. "Yes, aha, how are you? You look great." When she was at arms-length we both leant forward and kissed one another's cheeks.

"I'm great, you look...pregnant" I gave a little laugh whilst she found it a lot funnier. She placed her hands on her stomach, "Wait, is it that obvious?"

I smiled, feeling the pull by her general sweetness. "Did I miss you at the party last week?" I asked out of pleasantries, I knew for a fact she wasn't there because her husband was openly grinding on me. She shook her head lightly, "No no, I unfortunately couldn't go due to bad morning sickness. I sent my husband in my stead."

"I was delighted to hear you both married, the highschool sweethearts." I mocked to which she snorted, "Such an Americanism. I prefer the, we were both troubled teens who found one another story."

I shrugged in response, "Well, you two are admirable, young-lovers that turned into a married couple and now starting your own family." I lied through my teeth. If I were closer with Amanda and didn't have a shred of childhood resentment for her then I would have told her about her beloved husband.


"This isn't mine and Adams' baby." She blurted, with what sounded like persistence. I looked to her with an arching brow. She smiled, her plump red lips stretching. "I'm a surrogate for my sister. She can't have children so I offered my womb up for rent." I blinked a couple of times, feeling the knot in my stomach loosen ever so slightly.

"Oh." Was the only word I could apparently form. She chuckled then looked towards the café, "We should probably get in there, Em was specific with the time."

I remained speechless as I watched her waddle inside, immediately greeting and being greeted by many people who knew her. When did Emily and Amanda become such good friends? I shook the thought out of my head and focused primarily on getting through the night. As soon as I walked into Chug and Snug I was greeted by the sweet aroma of caramel. That was the one thing Em and I had in common, our love for caramel. I looked to my left to see she had a caramel incense burner set up so it would waft everyone who entered.

As I looked up I spotted Emily stood amongst a crowd of people, a huge smile plastered on her fake-tanned face. I mumbled under my breath how she looked like an orange. "I wouldn't say that to her face." I looked round and spotted a face that really brought back memories.

"Mira Burgess" I smirked at Emily's childhood best friend. Unlike Emily, Mira had always been the tomboy and preferred to be around Connor and I. We all knew that Emily kept Mira around to make herself look better but just by looking at Mira now, that has come round to bite Em on the ass.

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