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It was coming close to dawn and Stiles knew that their little cuddling party was going to be interrupted soon. He was okay with that. He leaned forward and kissed Derek as he was looking around making sure everything was okay.

It caught him off guard and he grunted and smiled against Stiles lips.

Stiles just smiled up at him and said "Come on Sourwolf. Time to get up and take care of the pups. "

Derek nodded and got to his feet gracefully. He reached down pulling Stiles up with him only to have Stiles trip over his own feet. Derek caught him and huffed. "You really are a walking menace."

Stiles scoffed at him as he righted himself. "Hey. I'm only a menace to our enemies. Which is really a list that is getting way too long. We really should start taking care of that. I wonder how the hell we could do that."

Derek just let him ramble on and grabbed his shirt from the abandoned buss and pulled it over his head.

Stiles spotted the fact that Derek was still barefoot. He coulnd't help but think that was cute. Wait that wasn't helpful. Thinking about how Derek was cute was not going to help him figure out how to save all there asses. He opened up his book from Deaton and with the light of dawn got to researching.

The other wolves started to come back into the depot. Someone put a cup of coffee in his hand and it made him look up from his book. Isaac was smiling at him. "Thanks." He looked back to the book researching a part of it that was possibly going to be helpful. "I think I'm on to something... it could help us... but I'm not sure I'd actually be able to do it."

"What is it?" Erica asked from a few feet away with her own cup of joe as she leaned against Boyd.

Stiles sighed and looked over it again. "I think I could possibly, maybe, if I'm fucking lucky... be able to find people and kind of remote view them... I could use it against the hunters and even the Duke."

Everyone got a little tense after that. "That would be very helpful." Peter said walking up to them silently out of nowhere like the creeper wolf he was.

"Yes. It would. If I can figure out how to do it." Stiles read over the pages that went over it again. "It seems to be one of the powers I can tap into but... Since I don't exactly have my own yoda then I'm kind of winging this..."

"So it's really just a shot in the dark?" Isaac asked tilting his head a bit.

"Stiles will figure it out. And even if he doesn't we will be safe." Derek said as he slipped on his shoes and pulled on his leather jacket. His red eyes flashing and flickering back to his hazel eyes.

"Why don't you try it. See if it works." Peter said as he sipped his own coffee.

Stiles put the book in his backpack and huffed. "Okay here goes nothing." He closed his eyes and tried to reach for his powers. He gasped as he felt the connect but then ... nothing. It was like the power was there but it didn't know what he wanted.

"Nothing..." He opened his eyes and kicked a empty can.

"So start smaller?" Boyd replied as he finished his own coffee and threw it into a burn barrel.

"Like what?" Stiles asked frustrated.

Peter put his hand behind his back. "How many fingers am I holding up behind my back Stiles?"

"This seems pretty pathetic guys." Stiles grumbled.

Derek put his hand against the back of his neck and softly caressed his nape. "You can do this. Focus."

Stiles took a deep breath and looked at Peter and focused on his powers and basically wanting to know how many fingers were up behind his back.

Nothing was happening. He huffed and focused harder and clenched his jaw. He had to be able to do this if they were going to survive. He had no choice. He had to protect the pack.

Suddenly it was like a flood of electricity when through his body and brain and he suddenly saw a vision like he was standing somewhere behind Peter. He looked and saw that Peter was holding up 4 fingers.

When he snapped out of it he teetered on his feet feeling dizzy and ill. He was grabbed around his waist by Derek and held up right as the world kind of rolled around and he felt like he was on a tilt a whirl. "Oh fuck... can someone make the world stop going twirly?"

Derek slipped his fingers up to the back of his neck again and started to pull at his pain. It was like an anchor righting the world again and keeping him synced up with gravity. He took deep breaths and then as he leaned against Derek he let out a little grunt. "Four... four fingers..."

Peter's grin turned victorious as he held up his hand with four fingers showing. "Yahtsee."

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