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Stiles looked up into those beautiful green eyes and gently brushed his fingertips across the dark stubble covered cheeks.

"You bit me..." Derek barely whispered his eyes flicking across his face searching for something.

A heat crawled up his neck. "Was I not supposed to?" Stiles asked softly as he felt the flush color his cheeks in the weird splotchy pattern his fair skin seemed prone too.

Derek's eyes flashed red for a moment and a self depreciating smirk lifted his lips. "It's like a claim..."

Stiles didn't exactly understand but he did get the jist of what that meant. He gazed at Derek's plump lips and something inside him thought about those lips ever touching another person... he didn't want that. He wanted Derek's lips to belong to only him.

Feeling the blush grow deeper he leaned up and softly bit Derek's botom lip. A deep growl sounded deep inside Derek's chest.

As Stiles fell back in embarassment he saw a flush covering Derek's olive cheeks. It was... it was amazing. He'd just made Derek blush. Reaching up and touching those flushed cheeks his fingers slightly trembled.

Suddenly Derek snapped at his fingers his fangs gripping his hand but never biting down hard enough to even hurt. His eyes flared red.

Stiles shivvered as a cool breeze tickled over his exposed torso. "You... you've been biting me a lot...for a while..." Stiles whispered.

Stiles saw Derek's ears actually droop slightly as he let his hand go and dropped his head. "Yes... I have... I wasn't supposed to... I tried to stop..."

Stiles felt worry fill him again. "Do... Do you not want me?"

Derek's growl was back "That's not it." He groaned and whined deep in his throat as he leaned down an inhailed against Stiles throat. "I shouldn't want you... the people I ...want end up hurt... or worse..."

Stiles reached up and held Derek gently rubbing his back. "Well that won't happen with me remember. I'm future boy- uh man- guy? Future Guy sounds weird."

Derek gave him a dead pan look and Stiles smiled up at him "Future Guy and Sour Wolf. Sounds like a weird sitcom."

Derek couldn't keep back a bark of laughter then as he lay against Stiles again and huffed against his hair and temple. He reached over and grabbed some blankets and wrapped them both up in it as he curled around Stiles. "I've made a huge mistake. You are going to be way to much trouble." He chuckled softly into Stiles ear.

"Pfft. I'm amazing and you know it. I'm Future Guy." Stiles used his batman voice as he let his hands slowly caress over the swell of Derek's well defined shoulders.

Derek rolled his eyes and silenced Stiles with a kiss.


Peter stood guard just out of sight of his nephew and his mate. He watched the darkness keeping his glowing blue eyes peeled for any sign of trouble that might endanger the little seer and his alpha. The rest of the pack was on perimiter patrol until sun up in a few hours. 

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