4 A bullet, A vision, a hell

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Waking from being so warm Stiles yawns and stretches feeling his own body pretty much piled under the pack. Groaning softly he wiggles trying to get out from under them and pretty much has to slide off the bed and roll away to escape the to warm pile on the couch. 

Getting to his feet he brushed off his shirt and felt that he was sticky from sweat. He decided to go grab a shower. 

He climbed the spiral stairs and pulled off his tee shirt that was sticking to him and as he got to the top of the stairs he looked up only to see Peter walking down the hall towards him. Peter's eyes flitted across the marks that littered his lean form. 

Stiles felt his jaw clench. 

"Stiles..." Peter had stopped and was waiting for Stiles to answer him. Those cold blue eyes watching like always. 

"Y-yeah?" Stiles knew the black eye he had been sporting was gone but a few of his bruises were still fading purple and green. 

"I have something for you." Peter held out a draw string pouch. 

Taking it he was confused as he asked. "Uh... what is it?" But as he opened it Peter backed up a step. 

"It is a special bullet. It can kill a werewolf. I want you to use this on me if I ever... If I lose whatever little humanity I have left and become a monster." Peter looked serious. 

Stiles opened the pouch and took out the bullet and saw that it was different. It had some markings on it. "You want me to kill you?" 

Peter's patented smirk was back. "You've got the concept. Good." 

Shaking his head Stiles put the bullet back in the bag and put it in his pocket. "I'm not going to need this Peter. I'm not killing you." 

"You will if you want to protect this pack." Peter smirked and shrugged. 

Scoffing Stiles flailed a bit. "No way. You are a part of this pack Peter! You-" 

Suddenly Peter reached out gripped Stiles arm. 

It felt as if a bolt of fire and lightning ripped through him as his body went rigid and he arched as his head whipped back and his mouth opened gasping. 

Hell. It was the only way to describe it. Fire everywhere. Pain all over him. The smell of burning flesh and the sound of the sizzle. The terrified screams. Peter was burning. Burning with his family. With his mother. With his father. With his siblings. With the children of the Hale family that were innocent. 

Peter had tried to get to them. Had tried to make his way through the scorching flames. 

He had to watch them burn. 

Stiles' mind broke. 

His body thrashed away from the grip on his arm and he managed to rip himself out of Peter's hand and he crashed to the ground as he screamed and clawed at his own face and thrashed puling at his hair trying to claw the images out of his head. 

But more images and scenes were flooding into his sight. Peter. Insane. Taking revenge on the men that set the fire. Eating them alive. The monster he turned into was born of pure rage and insanity. 

Stiles understood why Peter gave him the bullet. If Peter ever lost his humanity he was going to need to be put down. 

Stiles was convulsing on the ground as he started to come out of the vision. Erica had her belt in his mouth and was holding him down to keep him from hurting himself with Isaac. They were holding him down on the floor as his body convulsed and he was making choking sounds. 

He heard Derek's growl rolling through the air around him. Seeing a bit of what was going on he realized that Derek thought that Peter had attacked him. Derek and Peter were facing off. Derek kept himself between Peter and Stiles as he roared and prepared to attack Peter. 

Stiles didn't have the energy to try to stop the fight. He was too busy ripping the belt out of his mouth and pushing Erica and Isaac away from him so that he could run to the bathroom and empty his stomach into the toilette. He wretched as he kept seeing it over and over. As he was completely empty he was kneeling on the floor and gripping his head and screaming as he pulled at his hair trying to force the mind breaking images and sounds to stop. 

Suddenly there were arms around him from behind. Then hands were carefully pulling his hands away from his hair and then there was a growling wolfed out Derek growling into his ear as he held him. Black veins cover their skin where ever they touch. Stiles was shaking and he was still twitching and jerking in after shock convulsions as his nose was bleeding. 

Suddenly Derek was getting up and picking him up and carrying him into the shower. Stiles still had his pants on and Derek was in his jeans and shirt still. Derek didnt hesitate as he turned on the water and put them both under it. Derek was speaking to Stiles but it was so hard to understand him with Peter's memories terrorizing him. 

Stiles felt the hot water washing over them both and felt Derek's touch across his chest and his face washing his face of the blood. Stiles was trembling still as he washed his mouth out and finally started hearing more than just flames and screams. 

Derek was softly growling and huffing as he kept ahold of him. Every so often Derek would put his fangs against Stiles shoulders and nip or graze them across his skin. For some reason it reminded Stiles of the way a dog would put someone's hand in their jaws and press their teeth against them but never bite. 

Stiles mind was slowly slipping back in the here and now and was leaving the vission behind. Focusing on Derek was helping. Derek was still wolfed out. He was really hairy as a wolf. It was like he had a almost beard now. And his ears were pointed. 

Stiles reached up and touched one of his ears. 

Derek snapped at his fingers and snarled but never actually bit him. Stiles was too tired to be scared of Derek. He just slid his fingers away from his ear and down Derek's hair and neck to hold him around the back of the neck. 

Derek was growling low and quiet but his voice still came through. "Stiles... are you okay?" 

Stiles was to exhausted and just let his body slump slowly onto Derek and lay his cheek against Derek's neck. 

He felt Derek's arms go tighter around his body. "What did you see?" 

Stiles closed his eyes and burried his face in Derek's neck. "... hell..." 

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