16 Sparking

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Derek's eyes were glowing red as he helped Stiles into the loft. "Stiles take deep breaths. Your heart is beating too fast. Calm down."

Stiles kept remembering the alphas that he saw coming for them. He remembered the way they forced Derek to rip out Boyd's heart. Stiles fists his hand in Derek's soft Hanely shirt and he feels himself shaking and gasping air. Trying to calm down.

Suddenly Derek's hands are on his jaw and the back of his neck turning his face to force him to look into his eyes. "Stiles take a breath. Calm down."

Stiles felt his body want to find shelter and safety in the arms of his –

Blinking he remembered the pain of how Derek pulled away after giving him his first kiss and he recoiled away from Derek suddenly and paces away trying to get a hold of himself. He spots Scott looking worried and scared and he goes to him and takes hold of his shoulders.

Scott instantly takes hold of Stiles arms and keeps him upright. "Deep in and slow out Stiles. Just like back in the day. Deep in and slow out." Scott pulls him so that they are brow to brow and he coaches Stiles to calm down with breathing.

There are some soft growls from the pack around them but Stiles ignores it and closes his eyes and nods against Scotts brow. He does as Scott says and takes deep breaths.

Eventually he calms down and feels a dull ache in his head and tired like he'd just ran a marathon.

Scott rubs his back and helps him sit down on the couch. Derek is across the room looking out the window. "What did you see in your vision Stiles? We need to know." His voice sounds tight.

Stiles ran his fingers through his hair and sighed looking down at the ground concentrating and going into his emergency mode. A calm washed over him and then he started to tell them what he could remember.

"There are 5 alphas... they come here and ... I saw Scott Derek and Peter fighting them... They are so strong... They..." Stiles opened his eyes and looked at them all. Seeing their fear. He hesitated. "They were winning... they hurt some of us..." Stiles tried not to look at Boyd. He tried not to look at Derek. "They killed some of us..."

Peter strolled across the room and stood beside Stiles. He looked down at him with those intense blue eyes and asked. "Describe them."

Stiles blinked and then his eyes flickered as he remembered them. "There is a big one... huge... muscles... he reminds me of a berserker... then there is... its weird. They are twins but... somehow they morph into one huge wolf even bigger than the berserker... Then the female... she is scary... she is strong and visious and fast... but..." Stiles notices his hand begins to shake and he rushes to his feet and clenches his hands into fists as he starts to pace. "But the worst one is the main... the Alpha of the other Alphas... he.. his eyes." Stiles stops and closes his eyes trying to remember exactly. "They are... they are messed up... they ... I think he's blind..."

Peter snarls so suddenly that Stiles jumps and Isaac has to catch him before he stumbles to the ground.

"Deucalion." Peter snarls and he's half shifted and Stiles recognizes that Peter was once a monster and it shows when he shifts. His wolf is darker. More violent and merciless.

"Calm down." Derek barks at Peter as he walks closer to the group. "Stiles what else did you see?"

Stiles suddenly felt a lump in his throat. "I... I'm not sure... It... it wasn't a werewolf... It... The Nematon showed it to me..."

Suddenly Derek was shifted and his red eyes were blazing at him. "What?"

Stiles stepped closer to Isaac as he felt like Derek in Alpha form was something to see. "It... I think it was telling me something... or trying to... It showed me a... it looked like a monster... but... it might have been a human in the beginning or something... I..."

Suddenly Stiles felt like something had it's hands around his neck choking him. his spark flare and then suddenly it was like a small explosion went off in his chest. His spark was fighting something as he went stiff and then coughed as he fell to his knees.

His hands went to his throat clawing at the hands that weren't even there. He could tell that his entire Pack was freaking out as they crowded around him yelling for him.

But he had to ignore them as he felt whatever it was tighten it's hold on his throat. He knew that if he didn't do something soon it would strangle him and kill him. Tapping into his Spark his eyes flared to life and glowed like a beacon as he felt the Spark explode within him. The air ripples around him and the Wolves all flinch in recoil from it.

But it worked. The hands were gone from his throat and he gasped on his hands and knees dragging in lungfulls of air over and over as his pack touched him and checked on him and pulled him up and he blinked his eyes his vision clearing as he saw Derek was still shifted and he was checking his neck carefully with his hands.

Soft touches of warm fingers across his neck as Isaac and Scott are holding him up. He still cant really hear what they are all saying but he can feel the touch of those fingers against his neck.

His Spark was raw in side him. But it hummed and warmed at that touch. Stiles closed his eyes and let his head fall back as he started to fall sleep out of exhaustion.

"Stiles. Stiles!"

Stiles feels those fingers take hold of his cheeks and gently caress into his hair.

"Stiles open your eyes. Stiles!" Derek keeps calling to him.

Stiles was warm and he felt like he was vibrating all over and he just didn't want to open his eyes. There was no pain. Only power and pleasure.

"Stiles Please Stop you are scaring me!" Erica screeches and that ripped him out of his reverie.

His eyes open and he sees the lights all around the loft are literally exploding and sparking everywhere and the windows were vibrating as if they were about to shatter.

Stiles gasps and stops tapping into his spark and suddenly everything stops. "Oh Shit." He exclaims as he tries to stand on his own two feet.

"What the fuck just happened?" Isaac asked as he was still helping keep Stiles up as Boyd and Erica were holding onto eachother and Peter was looking around and Derek was still holding his face and still shifted.

Stiles coughed softly and looked into Dereks face and saw fear in those red eyes. Fear for Stiles life.

Stiles could only think one thing. Why can't we just get through one damn day without everything going to shit? Instead of saying that he just spoke the first thing that popped into his head. "I... I think I need to talk to Deaton..."


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