3 Puppy Pile

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Stiles blinks as he notices that he can see in the dark but everything was starting to be tinged an array of gold and orange and reds. Like the world was on fire.

No... like the world was made of fire.

Panic stirs inside him and grips him tight. Gasping in a breath he feels like he can't breath and starts to shake. "I-I- I can't-"

Derek's eyes were still glowing red in his sight and they looked into his eyes deep and he saw him recognize his panic attack.

Derek's fangs grow and he shifts into his werewolf phase and Stiles gasps again as he can literally feel the energies of Derek's wolf. The primal strength. The raw power. The primordial beast.

"Be calm Stiles. Take a breath. Slowly inhale and exhale." Derek's voice was deep and more growl than anything else.

Stiles tried. He really did. But his lungs wouldn't cooperate. He was trembling and his breath was shaking and bursting in and out of his lungs in short shallow gasps.

Stiles was grasping at Derek's jacket and his vision was still filled with a world on Fire. His legs gave out and he felt Derek's arms lift him up off his feet and he was suddenly pressed up against that big solid chest of Derek's.

Then suddenly his back was pinned up against a cement wall and all the air was pushed out of his lungs as Derek pinned him with his body and suddenly Stiles felt Derek's mouth on his throat.

There was a deep vibrating growl reverberating into his neck and throat from Derek's mouth with was placed as if to rip his throat out over his Addams apple.

Stiles felt the points of his fangs pressing against the tender skin of his throat and then he felt Derek's hot wet tongue lick over his Addams apple.

His world exploded.

Arching and gasping in a huge lungful of air as a deep ache lanced through his entire body and heat seared every vein as his body awoke with want.

He had no idea what just happened but he was breathing deep and Derek continued to lick across his throat in such a vulnerable place making his body tremble for new reasons.

Stiles felt a hot flush take over his face as he knew he was hard against Derek. Another growl reververates from Derek into Stiles.

Stiles gasps and trembles.

Slowly the fangs receed and his tongue slowly licks over Stiles' neck from over his Addams apple to over his pulse point. All the while a slow growl keeps emenating from Derek.

Stiles sight slowly goes back to his normal human sight and the world is dark and he cant see anything as he feels Derek's scruff rub against his tender neck.

Then slowly Derek pulls away. It is so dark that Stiles can't even see Derek right infront of him. But he does feel Derek's hand slide up from where it is holding him to his neck. He caresses across his throat where he just had his mouth.

The growling stops and Stiles feels himself throb and twitch and he feels embarrassed even though he can't see Derek except for those red glowing eyes.

"W-w-w-what what w-w-was that?" Stiles stutters as he gazes wide eyed up at those red eyes.

There was a silence that was heavy and Derek slowly pulled his hands away from him letting him stand there on his own.

"...you were panicking... I needed to anchor you..." The red slowly fades and Stiles is left to see only darkness.

Heart pounding he reaches out with a shaking hand into the darkness. "I... it's dark Derek... I can't see..."

There is a huff then his wrist is taken into a clawed hand. "Come on."

Stiles stumbled as he was pulled across the basement to the door where he could see light coming from the floor above.

The claws tickled against his wrist as he was lead up into the light and the door was closed behind him.

Derek's green eyes bore into him and kept flicking to his neck. "The place needs lights if you are going to be down there with us."

"Yeah... totally..." Stiles says lamely with a blush splotching his pale skin.

Only after another few heartbeats did Derek release his hold on his wrist. Then he was walking away back up to the loft.

Stiles needed a few seconds to gather himself and pace around in a circle rubbing his neck and trying to calm down.

Just as he found an image that finally killed his boner he started climbing the stairs up to the loft.

When he finally got up to the Loft he was sweating a little and mumbling about the broken elevator. Walking in he looked up seeing the whole pack in the loft staring at Derek who was effectively ignoring them. Then as one they turn their attention to Stiles.

Who immediately turns pink in the cheeks as he flails. "I found a place to train."

Erica was next to him then and she sniffed and a huge smirk lit up her face. "Did you now?"

"Yeah." Stiles said standing up a little straighter.

"How did you find it prey tell?" Peter ambled over to him and got close taking a deep inhale through the nose.

"I'm Batman." Stiles pointed to his batman emblem shirt as if that explained it.

"Awe I'll be your catwoman!" Erica hugged him suddenly and rubbed her cheek to his.

Derek watched from the corner of his eye across the room as Stiles was pulled by Erica to sit on the big couch they all used as a lounge area. Issac was already sitting there so Stiles was practically on his lap.

"Hey!" Stiles yipped as he was smooshed between them.

"Let's watch that star world thing!" Erica said as she snuggled up against Stiles.

With an incredulous look on his face Stiles forgot that his personal bubble was being violated and started on a rant about Star Wars until Boyd actually put it into the dvd player. Episode 4.

Then some how while Stiles was rambling about all the great little details of Star wars and the force Peter leaned against the back of the couch letting his presence be as close to Stiles without actually touching him. Boyd sat down on the floor between Erica and Stiles legs. His shoulder touching Stiles legs.

While Cora lay her legs across Isaac and Stiles laps as she sat on the end of the couch making snide comments about the bad effect that only made Stiles rant more.

Derek watched from the lazy boy and kept going from watching his pack to watching the movie.

Eventually Stiles fell asleep. Erica and Isaac had followed him into dreamland almost instantly as they lay their heads against his shoulders. Boyd was struggling not to fall asleep with his head drooping against Stiles knee. Cora And Peter were relaxed as they looked from the sleeping kids to Derek.

Derek looked between them and arched a brow as if in question.

Peter chuckled under his breath. "You're still so young..."

Cora looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

Derek's lips lifted in a silent snarl as Peter leaned down just a bit and sniffed at Stiles hair. "He's a good choice weather you admit it or not."

"You don't know what you're talking about." Derek said quietly careful not to wake up his pups.

Peter arched his own brow and his eyes lit up blue and he inhailed the mixed scent of Dereks pharamones mixing with Stiles natural scent. "Don't I?" 

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