14 Sleep Over

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Stiles stood in shock and suddenly he saw Erica and Boyd walking towards him looking pissed and almost shifting and Boyd looking uncomfortable.

"Stiles. Are you okay?" Erica was beside him looking protective.

"I... what?" Stiles was blushing blotchy red patches as he looked away from most of his pack. He was embarrassed.

"I just overheard... superhearing remember?" Erica looked sympathetic.

Stiles turned away from them all and made his way over to his jeep and climbed in. He didn't expect Scott and the rest of the teenwolves to jump into his jeep with him. "What are you doing?"

"You really think I'm gonna let you just skip out after whatever this is?" Scott was in the passenger seat and Isaac Erica and Boyd were in the back seat.

"Will you be coming back?"

Stiles jumped in his seat as he was startled by Peter who was standing outside of his drivers side door looking serious.

Stiles gripped the keys and turned it over and the Jeep sputtered to life. His eyes flicked back over to Peter still waiting patiently. He wanted to snark the hell out of the guy but he just couldn't. "Don't worry Peter... It was just a misunderstanding obviously. I'm taking Scott home and going to spend the night there. I haven't seen Melisa in a few years." Stiles was about to peel out but then he hesitated and sighed looking over at Peter again. "Go check on him. He's freaking about Cora..."

Then the jeep pulled out and he headed to Scotts. In Stiles' mind this was just a mistake. Who would want the awkward beat up scarred foster kid? The weird Spark that can barely stop from bleeding to death every time he has a vision.

Suddenly there was a soft touch to his wrist and he looked over to see Scott was holding his wrist. In a silent moment that needed no words he knew that Scott could tell how he was feeling. That he wanted to help him. So Stiles nodded and got back to driving.

When they parked in front of Scotts house there was an awkward moment where the others waited beside the jeep not knowing if they should follow.

Stiles looked to Scott. "Is it okay for them to come in too? They are my family now."

Several sets of golden eyes flashed from that statement.

Scott looked to them all. "You can come in just stay in control. And don't break anything."

When they walked to the door Scott was about to open the door but Melissa was already opening the door. She spotted Stiles and there were already tears in her eyes.

She grabbed him up in a tight hug and the tears started to flow as she held him like he was her long lost son. "Stiles! You're here! You're back!"

Stiles wrapped his arms around the only other woman he could ever even think about calling Mom and cried silently into her shoulder. "Yeah. I'm back."

After a emotional few minutes she offered them all to come in. "Come in everyone. Come in. Who are your friends?"

Stiles wiped his eyes trying to keep what little dignity he had left. "Uh- these are my foster brothers and sister. Isaac, Erica and Boyd. This is my family now..."

Melissa sniffled and said. "Thank you all for taking care of him... Please come in and I'll cook you all something."

They perked up at the mention of food.

There was lots of talking about good times in the kitchen as Stiles and Scott helped Melissa cook and the others sat around the dinning room table. They laughed at the funny stories and they looked away every time someone said Johns name.

Stiles had a feeling they could sense that everytime he heard the name John that his heart hurt.

But he also felt happy that he could remember some of the funny times. Like the time he was arrested by his own father for breaking curfew to go find a rave with Scott.

There first adventure that got them both grounded for three months. They ended up talking to eachother through their windows which faced eachothers houses.

They all ate the many tacos that Melissa made and the wolves enjoyed every bit of them. Then when Stiles asked if he could stay the night Melissa told him of course. She was headed to a night shift at the hospital so they would have to hold down the fort until she got back.

Then Stiles put in one of the Starwars movies and sat on the couch full and leaned against Scott who handed him a redvine and The others followed suit. Isaac sat beside Scott and Erica sat beside Stiles and Boyd sat on the lazy boy chair and went to sleep.

It wasn't long before Stiles forgot his heart ache and fell asleep against Scott's shoulder.

It was hours later he woke up still piled together with the pack on Scotts couch and saw that Isaac was laying down and Scott was practically laying on him with his face smashed against his stomach. Stiles was being laid on by Erica who was drooling on his shoulder and Boyd was snoring on the lazy boy chair. The movie was long over and he had to pee

Careful not to wake Erica he moved so that he could get up and she rested her head on the back of the couch.

Heading sleepily to the bathroom he relieved himself.

As he came out after washing his hands he heard voices outside the back door. Careful of all the squeaky floorboards. He is ninja quiet as he gets closer to the back door.

He can hear the ones that are speaking now. Peter and Derek.

"What did you think he would do?" Peter sounded amused.

There was a long silent pause. "Not leave."

"You marked him then you rejected him." Peter sounded angry. "If you had done that to a wolf..."

"I know Peter..." Derek growled.

"If you weren't ready you shouldn't have-" Peter began.

"It was a mistake Peter. I didn't mean to lose control." Derek growled low and snarled quietly.

"... I don't understand why you rejected him after..." Peter's voice was quiet now.

Stiles was very quiet. His breathing was soft and he didn't move a muscle.

"... I'll end up hurting him..."

Stiles put his hand over his mouth and then heard a floor board squeak behind him. Turning he spots Erica and she looks sad as she looks between him and the back door.

Erica reaches out and grabs Stiles hand and leads him up the stairs to Scotts room. Which she could tell by the scent. She closes them in and sits him on the bed then sits down with him.

"Uh... what are we coming up here for?" Stiles asked as he tried to understand everything.

"When someone Scent marks you like... like Derek did. It's a big deal to born wolves... it's like a proposal to go out. If Derek lost control... then his wolf wants to be with you." Erica told him seriously.

Stiles looked down at his own lap where his hands sat linked and didn't like the way they were clenched together. Taking a deep breath he shook his head. "His wolf might want me... But his human half doesn't want me..."

He suddenly felt arms wrap around him. Erica was hugging him. "Then he's a fucking idiot. You are amazing Batman. You are the one that saved the whole pack..."

Stiles hugged her and shook his head slowly. "Erica... that was my first kiss... No one ever wanted me before... no one wants someone like me."

Erica pulled back and looked at him shocked. "That was your first kiss?"

Stiles looked away and sighed. "Yeah."

Erica wrapped her arms around him and whined softly against his back.

Stiles felt sleep pull at him and he lay down as Erica held him softly and they fell asleep.


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