Chapter 13: Directional Dinner

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Dinner surprised me. Once we were all seated, the conversation shifted from Lillian's endless questions for Harry, to Paul and Weldon's job. They shared some crazy stories with us about the different things that had happened while the boys were on tour. Harry couldn't stop smiling that bloody grin as they all joked together about the pranks they'd pulled on one another.

"It sounds as though you're the father of five teenage boys, Paul." Mum laughed and snuck a smile at Harry. I couldn't help but chuckle.

Paul and Mum sat at the heads of the table, while I sat across from Harry and Weldon across from Lillian. Of course Harry was between Lillian and Mum, where else!

"Yeah, and the Mother too." Paul raised an eyebrow at Harry.

"Ah, come on Paul you love it." Harry flashed his teeth. "Surely we're not that bad?"

Weldon started to choke on a mouthful of chicken.

"Seriously Harry, you're the worst." Paul pointed his fork down the table at Harry.

"Now what you mean to say is, I'm the most ambitious and adventurous." Harry smiled proudly. "Admit it, your life is more exciting with me in it."

Paul gave a chuckle and shrugged.

"Life definitely isn't boring, that's for sure," Weldon wheezed, followed by a final cough to clear his throat.

"So how are you liking Australia?" Lillian piped up.

"It's really lovely." Harry smiled. "I hope I'll be able to see as much as I can while we're here."

 "How long are you all staying in Sydney?" Mum asked.

"Well the boys have three shows, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night," Paul replied simply. "Then it's off to Melbourne on Monday morning for interviews all day and then a show that night and it just keeps going from there."

 Mum raised her eyebrows in shock.

"They're tough, don't worry Julie," Paul reassured Mum when her motherly distress crossed her face.

"Oh my, that's something isn't it." Mum leaned back in her chair, thoughtful. "You sound as though you barely get a moment to breathe, Harry."

Harry placed his cutlery on his plate and ran a hand through his too-long hair. "It's definitely different to anything. But this is our third tour, so I guess we're kind of used to it." He shrugged.

"Julie, the guys get a day off tomorrow." Paul sighed. "Harry will have plenty of time to breathe."

"Yes, but don't the girls go crazy over you?" Mum looked genuinely concerned. "It's not like you can go out anywhere, can you?"

Harry opened his mouth to speak but Paul cut in.

"Julie, why are you so interested all of a sudden?" Paul shot back. "You couldn't get me to shut up fast enough when I was trying to explain earlier!"

"That was different! My daughter was missing and..."

"Don't worry," I said quietly to Weldon, while Mum and my uncle continued their fight across the table. "They always bicker like this it's completely normal."

Weldon seemed to be focusing on his food trying to pretend he was invisible, even though he was the size of a rugby player. But of course, Harry was trying not to smile at the domestic.

"I've never seen Paul be yelled at before." Harry said to no one in particular, looking almost excited.

"Oh, you should come over all the time with my uncle then!" Lillian lit up, touching Harry's lower arm. I just shook my head at Harry, who then looked directly at me.

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