Chapter 19: When a Stranger Calls

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I woke with a jolt.

My eyes stretched wide as I pushed back the blanket that threatened to suffocate me and sat up, sucking in the fresh crisp air. The curtains across the room remained closed, triggering the memories from that day to resurface.

Liar, traitor, unfaithful asshole.

I kicked the blanket further off my body so that I could get out of the bed, noticing that I still wore the clothes from that day unlike last time. I made my way over to the curtains and threw them back, greeted with a setting sun - I must have only been out for a few hours.

I caught my reflection in the glass and combed my fingers through my tangled, frizz-ball hair. The view of the city was outrageously pretty tonight - It shocked me every time. Satisfied that I didn't look like I had just been attacked by a bear, I made my way out of the room.

The lounge was empty, fire lit and the lights all dimmed. I made my way over to the couch and slumped down to soak up some of the fire's heat. That was when I saw movement on the balcony. My uncle was having a full-blown conversation with someone; pacing backwards and forwards, hands flying through the air - he was pissed. The glass doors were shut, so I heard nothing, but knew that maybe I didn't want to.

"You're up," Harry said softly as he appeared out of the kitchen with a tray of tea. "How you feeling?" He asked, placing the tray on the little table between the couches and sat opposite me, pouring me a cup.

I shook my head, there was nothing to say - nothing. I took the cup from him as he watched me closely, but I refused to look at him. I felt ashamed, pathetic... embarrassed. My own father had lied to me, betrayed me and made a fool out of me.

I lifted the cup to my lips and took a tiny sip, snuggling back into the couch and covering my legs with the blanket. We sat in silence and allowed the fire and tea to warm us as we sat apart - it gave me time to think.

Paul continued talking furiously on the phone. I wondered if it was Dad... it was definitely Dad. Maybe Harry had told him about what I'd seen - what we'd seen. I couldn't believe that he was with that... that woman. Her long blonde hair and fair skin was etched into my memories, with her look of surprise plastered on her pretty little face when she saw me.

Her hair actually reminded me of Lillian's, how it would be perfect even if she stood in a storm. Oh God, Lil. This would crush her - every hope and dream gone. She was so young, she wouldn't understand. Her own father, a lying and cheating bastard who she looked up to so much, who I looked up to so much. If she ever found out, her world would end as she knows it. She wasn't ready for something like this - she didn't deserve something like this.

I felt the couch dip down next to me and an arm pull me to his chest. My lips were trembling and the tears were obeying gravity. My emotions unfolded and I was a mess. I cried and cried, grateful that he was actually there because it felt like he was holding me together.

First it was my uncle who had lied... but I could forgive him for that - he was only protecting us. Then, the last man in my life who had never lied, even though he was away often... I'd now lost him too.

"What's wrong with me?" I spluttered, Harry taking my tea cup from me before my shaking body made me wear it.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked with a frown before placing the cup on the table then pulling me closer. "Nothing's wrong with you."

I inhaled deeply and tried to control my breathing. Paul continued to pace backward and forward on the balcony, his angry body language not subsiding. "Every man in my life seems to be more than willing to hurt me, and wanting to get away from me - it's as if I asked for it." I admitted, the truth stinging like a thousand needles to what was left of my heart.

"Don't be stupid," Harry replied seriously. "There's nothing you could ever do to deserve that - nothing."

I wiped the remaining tears from my cheeks and pulled the blanket up to my chin. Maybe he was right, but maybe I could have prevented it. If only I had written more letters, or Skyped Dad more, or just picked up my phone and texted... maybe he wouldn't have done this - maybe he would have thought about his family that he was about to leave behind.

"Stop thinking like that," Harry suddenly murmured. I glanced up sideways at him to see that he was watching me. "I can tell that you're blaming yourself."

How did he know that...? Well, I guessed that we had barely been separated all week. Ugh, too much Direction.

"I just feel like I could have prevented it." I sniffed.

"Candice, there's nothing you could have done." He retorted, making circles on my lower arm with his finger. It comforted me, and I briefly felt protected from everything and everyone. "I'm sorry you had to find out like that, you deserve so much better."

Unknowingly I wrapped my arm around his torso and hugged him tight. I'd known Harry for barely a week, and I felt like I'd known him my whole life. He was there, I needed someone and he was my person in this moment - even if it meant going against what he was and what I wanted.

Suddenly the sliding door flew open with a bang and my uncle stormed into the lounge room in a fury of rage.

"That fucking shit-faced -"

"Paul!" Harry chimed, discreetly gesturing to me to get his attention. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me.

"Candice!" He said shocked. "Sorry about that... uh... how are you feeling?"

He eyed the blanket, tea and my swollen eyes. The unspoken silence was answer enough.

"I think I should take you home," he suggested cautiously, and so he should have. My eyes tightened and my body tensed against Harry's - he knew that I wasn't about to go anywhere near that house.

"I'm not going home." I spoke with force.

Paul didn't push the matter.

"Was that Dad on the phone?" I asked, the word 'Dad' sounding foreign on my tongue.

My uncle made his way over to the other couch and sat down slowly, deep in thought. "Yes." He sighed. "There's something that your mother needs to tell you, before you go jumping to conclusions."

My heart dropped into my stomach. More secrets.

"Your parents have been waiting for the right time to tell you, so you need to hear it from them."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What are you talking about?"

"I want to tell you more than anything, Candice," he leaned forward, pain crossing his face. "But it has to come from your Mum and Dad. It's important."

"They're getting a divorce," the thought blasted into my mind. I realised then that I'd actually said it out loud.

"Candice, they're not divorcing," Paul explained, a rush of relief bellowing through me. "There's a whole other meaning, explaining what you saw today - I just can't be the one to tell you."

I didn't understand. Why couldn't he just tell me? Why was it such a big secret and what other explanation could there be of my father being home and being caught red-handed with another woman!?

A buzzing noise pulled me from my raging mind. I glanced at the unknown number on my phone. I knew that it was him - it had to be him.

"I can't believe what you've done," I answered it as I stood up, the blanket falling to the floor. I could feel the tears beginning to build once more.

"Candice?" An unfamiliar female voice came through the phone - my heart skipped a beat, crap.

I walked towards the balcony and closed the door behind me, noticing that Harry's worry-filled eyes hadn't left me.

"Oh, um sorry, yes?" I tried to compose my boiling anger as I spoke into the phone.

"Candice, we haven't officially met, but I need to speak with you."

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