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Every friggin time. Every Friggin time!

   I had been ditched yet again by my sorry-ass boyfriend, Jamie. The minute I see him I was gonna kick his lazy ass back to America! I was gonna punch him in his stupidly pretty face. I was gonna…Well, there was a shit load of painful things I was gonna do.

   After checking my fluorescent orange watch for about the fifth time, I realized he was an hour late. I cannot believe it! Actually, you know what? Scratch that. I could believe it. But really? 3 times wasn’t enough for him? Even after he swore down on his cats life (And I swear to god he loves that cat) that he would be here, at Costa an hour ago.

   I was going to kill that cat later.

   I banged the back of my head on the glass door of Costa impatiently and decided I had waited long enough for my boyfriend. Correction: Ex-boyfriend.

   I hauled my ass up of the cold, gray stones and strolled miserably, feeling rather sorry for myself. I mumbled angrily under my breath.

   Stupid no show; make me look like an idiot.

   Gray clouds started to roll in and drops of water landed on my eyelashes and outstretched hand.

   Goosebumps rose on my arms and legs. Why, of all days did I pick today to wear white shorts and a tank top? Oh yeah, because I was stupid.

   I shivered violently as I turned another corner. It was starting to get dark now, and I was going to catch pneumonia from how cold it was. Damn you London weather! It was really tipping it down now. When you live in London as long as I have, you get used to the shit loads of rain.

   It was dark now; all the lights were out in the shop windows. Top shop, Harrods, browns, they all had metal shutters down on them and the sky was a dark blue. The streetlamps were lit and the stars sprinkled the sky. These were the things that made London beautiful.

   I might have stopped to look if this annoying rain wasn’t hitting me like bullets.

   I ran down another alleyway, my feet slapping against the wet cobblestones. I ran into the clearing and saw that new stone bridge that had just been built.

   My lifesaver! Well, maybe that was a bit dramatic… but hey, you get the point.

   I ran under the bridge, the orangey stones dripping, but it was dryer than outside. I wringed out my dark brown hair with my hands, swearing all the time. There was only one person to blame for this. Jamie. Oh, when I get hold of him…

I stopped.

A strange sucking and moaning sounded in my left ear. Slowly, ever so slowly, I turned my head.

   A pale man sucked hungrily on the neck of a dark haired boy, his red eyes ravenous and wild. I stepped back, my heart beat racing. His skin was like ice, pale and almost translucent. His eyes were scarlet, the colour of blood and his dark hair seemed to only make them stand out more.

I didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t want to know what was going on.

Except that lifeless body was…

Oh no…

None other than…

Please, don’t let it be…


Oh god oh god oh god oh god. Just… Oh god.

   I whimpered, quiet as a whisper but the man sucking on Jamie’s neck seemed to hear me. He whipped his head up, fast as the crack of a whip and did the most horrendous thing I’ve ever seen. He snapped Jamie’s body like a twig, and threw him into the stream that ran under the bridge. His blood stained the clear water, swirling in dark ribbons. I stared as his body floated further and further away from me and down the stream, his eyes dead.

   And I didn’t even see the bloodsucker approach me. I didn’t even hear him. Because when I tore me eyes away from Jamie, he had his nose pressed against mine, a snarl in the back of his throat and his blood red eyes boring into mine.

   A wide spread grin spread across his face, and I grew very, very frightened.

   I sharp pain slowly spread across my neck, like a lava flow. My heart beat thrummed like a humming bird, an unnatural pace for my heart, surely?

   And then it stopped. All pain faded from my body, my heart returning to normal.

   I breathed a sigh of relief, but then my head exploded.


   I couldn’t see anything, because there was a red curtain behind my eyes. I was blinded by pain, venomous bile rising in my throat. I breathed faster, desperate to take in some air but every breath burned. I gripped my head with my numb hands, desperately trying to quell the inferno in my brain. I would tear my own brain out if I had to. My hands flew to my heart. It was so cold. Cold froze my heart. Cold gripped it and squeezed at it. Cold cold cold.

   And then it stopped.

   My heart just stopped.

   I’m dead.

   The man pulled away from me abruptly, blood running down his chin. My blood .

   His red eyes widened in shock, his eyes fixated on something behind me. I whizzed around, dizzy and uncoordinated.

   And another one was standing right behind me, with matching red eyes.

   Just kill me already I thought, the pain threatening to split my head in to.

   But no.

   The other guy grabbed the bloodsucker by the throat and pulled him up to his face, his expression furious.

   “I gave you strict orders, did I not? No human life was to be sacrificed tonight. I cannot keep you alive Gabriel” He wasn’t shouting, but that seemed to make it all the worse.

   He swiftly threw Gabriel at the bridge, his bones snapping and his eyes lolling back in his head. He hit the water with a splash and drifted down the stream to join Jamie’s lifeless body.

   Meanwhile, I wanted to be sick. I got down on my hands and knees, retching uncontrollably, wanting to be sick, but I couldn’t.

   The man got down next to me and murmured in my ear in a thick Spanish accent.

   “I'm so sorry little human. Im so sorry…”

   His face blurred and there were suddenly two of him. His voice rang in my ears and buzzed like a bad radio transmission before I passed out.

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