➳ Chapter 19 ➳

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➳ "Well, these two men were asking me to pay seven hundred by ten tonight for my monthly rent and I only pay five hundred." Alessia explains to Elle who furrowed her eyebrows at her statement.

Both the girls were confused especially Elle. "I don't get it. They sound like scammers, why don't you contact the head of the company that usually takes your monthly payment?" Don't you have the money, because if you don't I can always hel-"

Alessia interrupted her, "No-no-no of course! Thanks Elle but it doesn't make any sense. I'm going to go speak to the head of the company and sort it out. Anyways, should we have breakfast?" She says, pulling a smile as if she had brushed off the matter real quickly. 

Meanwhile, Rafinha was having breakfast with Neymar and Bruna. Rafinha barely spoke, his focus on his breakfast, it almost seemed like he was lost in thoughts. Neymar noticed when he realised it was mainly himself and Bruna talking.

"Rafa, what are you thinking about?" He asks, pausing making Rafinha the centre of attention.

Rafinha looked up and gave a smile whilst he played around with his cereal. "Oh, nothing. What were you guys talking about?"

"We were talking about how boring you are on your own!" Bruna laughs out loud, making the boys smile and chuckle.

"Yep, you need a girl bro." Neymar mentions, picking up his glass of water and taking a sip and then placing it down. "So we're going to find you a girl, I mean imagine Rafinha having a girlfriend!" 

Both Bruna and Neymar looked at each other and smiled, nodding in agreement. An agreement of a thought which they both shared. Rafinha stopped fiddling with his spoon and sighed, "But Neymar you're mine!"

Bruna stopped smiling and looked at Rafinha, "Well it's not like I exist or anything.."

"I mean we did have someone in mind, don't we baby?" Neymar says, looking at Bruna who smiled back at him.

"What, who do you have in mind?" Rafinha asks, serious now as he began to eat his cereal again.

Neymar grinned at Rafinha and leaned closer, "Maryse." 

"Oh come on man, not her! I don't like her." Rafinha rolls his eyes, leaning back on his chair once he heard that name.

Bruna and Neymar laughed until Neymar spoke again, "Okay, I was kidding bro. Elle."

Both Rafina and Bruna looked at Neymar, Bruna had the face of 'wrong girl' and Rafinha had the exact same face. Sometimes, Neymar was a little too extra just like now. 

"No I barely know the girl and she's Alessia's friend. I would never do that to Al-"

"OHHHHHH SO IT'S ALESSIA!" Neymar shouts, making Gerad and Luis from the other table look at them all.

Rafinha moans, shaking his head at Neymar "Shut up! Jeez, why do you have to be so loud, chill!" 

Neymar and Bruna started grinning at each other and then gave a cheesy smile at Rafinha, whose cheeks went red as a rose and he avoided eye contact until he started laughing nervously.

"Wait, I knew it all along! You've had like a crush on her since the day you met her bro!" Neymar moves around all excited but Rafinha tried avoiding eye contact.

He kept his eyes focused on finishing his cereal off until he looked up, "Well, not really. Guys, can we not talk about this?"

Bruna gave a sarcastic laugh, "You mean, how can we not talk about this?!" 

The three tried coming up with a plan on how Rafinha could ask her out on one date. Despite the times they both hung out, he would actually consider this to be taking her on an actual date.

The evening passed by and Alessia stormed out of the building with her armed crossed. Elle was just as furious as Alessia was. Alessia threw her hands in the air, 'I can't believe them. I'm going to the police right now, I don't know who those two men are!' 

'I know. I knew something was dodgy about those two scamming idiots. I-'

Elle pauses as her phone starts ringing, so she answers and all you could hear were her saying 'but' and 'fine' and then she hangs up looked even more annoyed. She turned around to Alessia and sighed, "Al, look I gotta go. My mother wants me home for dinner because my father's back and I completely forgot we're having a family meal!'

Alessia smiled, knowing that inside she was fuming about the whole matter. 'No worries, you go. I'll go to the police station and report those two men.'

Both girls exchanged smiles and quickly hugged each other before Elle walked over to her car and drove off. Alessia didn't have a car so she decided she would go get a taxi. She knew there was a taxi stop, not too far from where she stood so she made her way over there. 

Whilst walking, she heard a few shuffling noises from behind her. Quickly, turning around she saw nothing and thought it must of have been a cat or something. Again, walking she heard noises expect it sounded like footsteps so she began to walk faster. She looked behind her and noticed two men approaching her, fast and she began to start running.

'Elle, are you sure she's there?' Rafinha speaks on the phone to Elle. 

'Yeah, she was literally there with me. She's probably going to catch a taxi, do you see her?' Elle replies whilst on the line.

'Yeah, I think I do but why is she.. running?' He says, to both himself and Elle on the line. He rolled down his window to take a closer look and squinted his eyes to see if it really was her. The, he unstrapped his seat belt and got out of the car when he noticed two men running behind her. 

'Alessia!' He shouts, trying to see if the girl was really Alessia.

 'Why are you shouting?' Elle asks on the line.

'Because she's running but I don't get wh-'

He paused when he saw a large black jeep looking vehicle pull up in front of her, the windows were blacked out so it was hard to see who was in the car but the doors opened and another two men started to grab hold of Alessia, pulling her in.

'HEY! HEY, GET OFF HER!' Rafinha shouts, running as fast as possible from the other side of the road. He dropped his phone in the process and all you could hear were the worried questions of Elle.

'Rafinha, what's going on?'

'Rafinha? Are you there?'


'Get off me! Get the hell of me, who are you?' Alessia shouts, kicking and throwing punches at the men who were trying to pull her into the car. 

'Shut up and get in the car!' An unknown voice shouts at Alessia from within inside the car. She tried her best to escape from the clutches of the men but they were big and managed to grab hold of her and push her in.


'HEY, GET THE FUCK OFF HER!' Rafinha shouts, approaching one of the men as he clenched his fist and threw a punch at one of them. The man shoved Rafinha out of the way, pushing Rafinha to the ground. As he fell to the ground, he managed to pull off the jacket of one of the men and they all got into the car and quickly sped off. Rafinha chased the car but they drove off really fast and eventually he was panting for air.

He quickly ran back to his car and picked up his phone from the ground with Elle still speaking on the line.



'Rafinha you there?'


'She's gone' He says whilst panting for air.

'What do you mean?'

'They took her Elle, they took her.' He replies with an agitated voice. Elle sounded confused on the line, 'What do you mean Rafinha? what do you mean she's gone?'

Panting as he looks into the distance, 'They took her Elle' he mumbles. Elle still didn't understand and began to sound even more shocked. 'Wait, who took her?'

'I don't know for fucks sake.' He shouts angrily, feeling let down that he couldn't stop the men and hung up.

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