➳ Chapter 15 ➳

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➳ "Alessia!" Elle shouts, running over to her as she tries to catch her breath. "We need to talk." 

However, Alessia looked away. She made no eye contact and was quiet, very quiet. But a few seconds after, she replies with "I have nothing to say."

Elle felt bad. She could understand what Alessia must've been going through but it was important that Alessia told her everything about that night. Just as she was about to walk over to Alessia, to get a step closer her manager Mr Gomez started to call her. "Elle, we need you on tills!" She replied, "Coming sir!" and looked back at Alessia and noticed Maryse was walking over towards Alessia. 

Maryse noticed Alessia and Elle right behind her and knew that Elle would probably tell her everything but she needed to also explain and lie about what Luis said. 


"Alessia! Something happened to Rafinha!" Neymar runs over pulling Alessia by the hand before Maryse could even get close to her and then winked at Elle, letting her know it was going to be alright, making Elle smile as she walked back to the bar.

"What? Neymar, what happened to Rafinha? Is he okay? I-"

"I'll explain everything. Just come with me!" Neymar replies, reassuring Alessia. She still wasn't convinced and felt really worried. Her heart was thudding and she felt uncomfortable with the thought of something happening to Rafinha.

Maryse started to panic, she was worried that Alessia would find out everything and Rafinha would find out what she did to Alessia and then he would hate her forever, which she couldn't bear the thought of. She felt nervous after hearing something happened to him and decided she should go follow Neymar and Alessia.


"Rafinha!" Alessia exclaims as she runs into the hotel suite, into Rafinha giving him a hug. Rafinha had a confused look on his face as she breathed heavily and held onto him tightly. He looked up at Neymar who smiled awkwardly as he scratched his head.

He feels her face against his chest, and asks "Alessia, I-I'm fine. What's wrong?" 

She slowly let go and looked up at him, their faces so close to each other. "Wait what?" She then turned around, facing Neymar who now was sweating and struggling to speak.

"Uh, it wasn't me. It was Leo's idea." Neymar quickly replies before Alessia could say something since her mouth was open in an 'o' shape as if she was going to say something at him since she looked mad. 

"Neymar, calm down. And yes, it was my idea." Leo says walking in after seeing what was happening here. They all looked at him, with their arms folded. 



"Guys, chill. If you're my biggest fans, you'll understand." Leo says, scoffing.

Neymar laughs, "he's got a point."

"Anyways, sorry about making it so dramatic but you wasn't talking to anyone or letting us know what happened that night so I had to be extra. Don't ask me about how I came up with that idea okay. Luis taught me to be extra." After Leo said that, they all started laughing and even Alessia let out a laugh, followed by a smile. 

"Wait, I'm confused. What night?" Rafinha asks, squinting his eyes since he had no clue what Messi was going on about.

"It's nothing bro, it's about Alessia's boyfriend. Come on let's go." Neymar says, shrugging his shoulder as he pulls Rafinha out of the room.

"Wait you have a boyfriend Alessia? Why didn't you tell me?" He says, stopping and taking Neymar's hand off his arm. 

"I don't have a boyfriend!" Alessia exclaims, looking annoyed.

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