Inhalants: Part 2

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Drew's P.O.V.

It had been about a week since Jake and I were banned from hanging out. We weren't even allowed to talk to each other, not even during dinner. It was super awkward. At one point we didn't even want to be in the same room because it was really awkward.

I walked down the hallway to go downstairs. On the way, I passed Jake. We stopped dead in our tracks and stared at each other. All I really wanted to do was just hang out with him, just for an hour. Sadly though, we couldn't because we 'used' inhalants together. Zayn eventually told Louis about what had happened and I had to lock myself in the bathroom for four hours before I was told that it was safe to come out.

It seemed like Jake and I were staring at each other for hours before we heard a harsh cough. I looked behind me to see Liam. He had his arms crossed over his chest. I looked down, Jake mocking my actions.

"Sorry." We mumbled together before walking our separate ways.

I continued towards the stairs. Liam followed me. He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. I didn't dare look into his eyes.

"What was that about?" Liam asked me.

"I-I don't know." I muttered. "I'm sorry sir."

"Drew, I know that you miss Jacob but we don't want you corrupting him any further than you already have."

"But I-"

"No 'buts.' Now just go downstairs."

I nodded obediently and went downstairs. I walked into the living room. I plopped down the couch. I just sat there in silence and thought. I didn't want to think about anything though. All I wanted was to alone.


My leg shook violently under the table. I stared down at my food blankly. Jake, who was sitting right across from me, would kick me every here and there to get me to look up. I would but then would immediately look back down.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I felt like I was being interrogated. I glanced up and my eyes darted around before I looked back down. Jake kicked my leg. I looked up and stared at him. Our eyes locked onto each others. I didn't to look away. It wasn't fair how I was ripped away from my best friend and wasn't allowed to hang out with him, let alone talk to him.

I heard someone clear their throat loudly. Jake and I both whipped our heads to the end of the table where Zayn was sitting. He sent me a threatening look that sent a strong shiver down my spine. I pushed my plate away from me.

"I lost my appetite." I said and stood up.

I stared at Jake for a second before hurrying off upstairs. I went into the loo then got into the bathtub. I leaned against the back wall. I pulled my legs to my chest tightly then rested my head on my knees.

"Drew?" I heard a soft voice say from outside the door. "Are you in there?"

"Yeah." I whispered.

"Can I come in?"

"Doesn't matter. You're going to come in anyways."

The door opened and Niall walked in. He smiled sadly at me. He walked over to the toilet, put the lid down then sat down.

"You're right, I would have can in either way." Niall told me.

He let out a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood. I buried my head in my knees. I was unamused. I just wanted to be alone but I knew that I wasn't going to get that.

"What's the matter?" Niall asked sweetly.

I looked up slightly. He had leaned forward and he had true concern on his face. I felt tears sting my eyes. I buried my head back in my knees.

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