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"Jacob!" Liam yelled.

Jacob ran upstairs. He went into his room. Liam was standing on Jacob's side of the room, which was a mess. Liam's arms were crossed over his chest. He glared at the smaller boy.

"Your side is a mess!" Liam stated. "Clean it up!"

"Okay Liam." Jacob said.

Liam nodded then left, closing the door behind him. Jacob grabbed a few pieces of dirty clothing and threw them into the laundry basket. He looked around the room. He groaned. He snuck out of the room and headed downstairs.

A half an hour later, Liam walked into the living room. He saw Jacob on the couch watching television. He walked over to him.

"Did you clean your room?" Liam questioned.

"Yup." Jacob responded, popping the 'p' at the end.

Liam nodded and smiled. He headed upstairs. He walked past Jacob and Chris' room then backed up again. He looked inside. Jacob's side was still a mess. Liam growled. Anger started to fill up inside him. He raced downstairs. He ran into the living room. He sat down on the couch and pulled Jacob over his lap. Jacob started squirming. Liam started landing spanks onto his bum.

"Liam, what the heck?!" Jacob screeched.

"You lied to me!" Liam snapped. "I told you to clean your room and you didn't!"

"I-I'm sorry!"

"Sorry doesn't cut it!"

Liam continued to spank the younger boy. Jacob clung onto Liam's legs. The spanking continued for about two minutes or so. Finally Liam stopped. He picked Jacob up and set in on his lap. Jacob cried into Liam's chest.

"I-I'm sorry L-Liam." He cried.

"It's alright." Liam said. "Now go clean your room."

Jacob nodded. He hopped off of Liam's lap and went to clean his room for real.

One Direction Manor House 2Where stories live. Discover now