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-Louis Tomlinson's POV-

"This is total bull crap!" I heard Drew yell from upstairs. "I didn't do nothin'! Why they trying to pin that shit on me?!"

I raised an eyebrow to myself, not understanding what the hell she was so upset about. I mean, she had to be up there all alone because everyone else was roasting marshmallows outside and there shouldn't have been any friends over. I stopped cleaning the dirty plate that was in my hand and shut the running water off. I slowly made my way towards the stairs, hearing the angry stomps and things being thrown around. I needed to know why she was so upset. Had Ally said something to her again? Drew had a thing for getting upset over the stupidest things in the world. I started to think that she enjoyed pushing people's buttons and have them get frustrated because of her. It was like a hobby for her honestly. At least, that was how I saw it.

"I wanna know who goddamn said something." Drew continued, her voice a bit softer than it had been just a minute ago. It was silent before she started yelling again. "Stella?! Oh, I swear I'm gonna kill that bitch!"

I had no idea what she was even talking about. She started rambling and was talking about complete nonsense. I couldn't put the pieces of the puzzle together. I stood outside of her room in the hallway, attempting to hear what was being said. I could still hear the heavy foot steps from inside the room, telling me that she was probably pacing around the room.

"I wasn't even there and Stella's trying to blame me?! I guess she doesn't want to throw him under the bus..." Drew continued. She seemed pretty upset by this situation she was in. "Listen, we can't let her say anything else to anyone. If word gets out, somebody will have my head."

After that, there was a silence and Drew said "goodbye" to whoever was on the other line. The next thing I knew she was walking out of the room with a pout on her face and her arms crossed over her chest angrily. She didn't even seem to notice me standing outside of the doorway.

"What was that about?" I pressed, causing Drew to spin around on her heels and gulp.

"Nothing, Lou. Let's just... Never mind." She choked out.

"It didn't sound like it was nothing. You sounded pretty ticked. Wanna talk about it?"

Drew merely shook her head, avoiding my eyes as she began to walk away. I was going to reach out and try to stop her, but it was too late. She slipped away from me before I could grab ahold of her arm. I followed closely behind her, trailing her as she headed outside with the others. Everyone was calm, everyone was smiling and cracking jokes. Well, not everyone. Jacob seemed jittery, as if he were on edge. Drew would glance over at him every few seconds before quickly turning away again. I was as if they were communicating in some sort of secret code that no one else but them knew. Drew sat across from Jacob around the fire, a stick in her hand with a marshmallow on it.

"You gotta put the marshmallow in the fire, Drew." Ally exclaimed with a giggle, nudging the older one a bit.

But Drew seemed to have no interest in Ally or the marshmallow. Her eyes were on Jacob and only Jacob. Her face was illuminated slightly by the dull glow of the roaring bonfire, showing her emotionless facial features. Jacob appeared to squirm in his seat a bit. The others didn't seem to have any idea of the actions going on around them. They were all consumed in roasting marshmallows and cracking jokes.

I walked over and sat in the camp chair next to Drew. She didn't even turn to look at me, didn't give me a single look to acknowledge my presence. Normally she would give at least a small reaction, but tonight there was nothing. Something was going on and a bad feeling began to rise in the pit of my stomach at the thought.

"Drew, you've been sitting there with that same marshmallows for nearly five minutes now." Liam finally pointed out, humor in his voice. "Are you going to roast it or not?"

Drew didn't give any response, not even a signal that she has heard him. it was only a dead stare, still directed right at Jacob. I tugged on her sleeve roughly and that finally caught her attention. Her eyes darted away from the now curled up Jacob over to me, eyes hardened and dark.

"Liam asked you a question." I said sharply.

"Did he? I didn't hear..." Drew responded, trailing off towards the end.

That feeling came back once again. The feeling that told me that something was actually wrong. I felt as if it were my job to find out what was wrong and correct it. I mean, what else was I expected to do? Just sit there and let trouble pass by me? That wasn't what I was paid to do.

"Jacob, Drew, can I please have a minute with you please?" I asked, even though I made it sound more like a statement then an actual question.

Jacob and Drew both stood up at the same second, eyeing each other the whole entire time. It was like they were telling each other something without even saying it. They looked at each other as if they weren't even friends, but as if they were enemies. They followed closely behind me as I went inside the house once again.

"I want to know what's going on." I straight out told the two troublemakers. "I know something's up, so don't even try to lie to me."

Drew stared over at Jacob then crossed her arms over her chest. I knew she wasn't going to say anything. She was doing well lately and I didn't think that she wanted to ruin her streak, I figured that out by how she was talking on the phone. I wanted to know what was going on and what this Stella had to do with it.

"Well?" I pressed. "I'm waiting."

"It's a long story..." Jacob mumbled, causing Drew to chuckle.

"Yeah right. Long story my... You know what." Drew added on. "Tell him what happened, Jacob. It's all you."

"Well... You see what happened was that, um, Drew's friend Stella invited me over to her house a few days ago after school to help her with science, since I'm surprisingly good at it."

"Yes, you told me you were going over there." I cut in.

"Well... At one point we went down to the railroad tracks..."

I froze. Was he serious? Did he actually think he could go down to the railroad tracks and get away with it? The police were always down there to round up kids who were drinking and smoking weed. He had to be kidding me.

"Are you serious?" I hissed.

Jacob opened his mouth to speak again when there was a loud knock at the door. I told them to wait and not go anywhere before going to see who was at the door. I opened it to see a police officer. He looked me in the eyes.

"I'm here for Jacob Young." The officer said. "We have evidence of him using and possessing narcotics."

"There must be a mistake." I argued.

"No, sir. I am here to take Mr. Young into custody in order to be questioned."

I turned to see Jacob cowering behind Drew. She started whispering things into his ear before pushing him towards the officer and I. He glared at her then looked at the officer.

"Jacob Young, you're under arrest for the use and possession of narcotics." The officer stated.

He continued to recite Jacob's rights while placing handcuffs around his wrists. Drew was watching on from the background. She had a look on her face that made it seem as if she were taking notes.

"Let's go, Mr. Young." The officer said.

"Look to yourself!" Drew yelled as Jacob was led out to the police car in the driveway. "Look to yourself before the future comes."

"What are you the ghost of prison's past?" I asked, attempting to lighten the tension, and it worked because Drew laughed a bit.

"He got himself into this. Can't do the crime, don't do the time."

I knew she had something up her sleeve though. I didn't know what it was and I didn't how she would execute her plan, but what I did know was that she would find a way to do it. She was cunning, he was wise, she was smart. She had a way of doing these types of things. We would get Jacob back. We'd get him back sooner than he went away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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