Unexpected Visitor

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Louis and Drew were sitting on the couch together in the living room. Drew had her feet up on Louis' lap and she kept poking him. He stuck his tongue out at her. Drew playfully punched him, however it came out too hard. He glared at her then jabbed the smaller girl's side. She giggled and Louis smirked at her. He got on top of Drew and pinned her hands down under his knees. She squirmed under his grip.

"Louis, p-please don't." Drew begged. "I-I'll stop bugging you."

"Don't what?" Louis asked and started to lower his hands.

"Don't tickle me!"

"Alright, if you say so!"

Louis then lowered his hands towards the squirming girl. The second his hands reached Drew, she started laughing extremely loud. She get away from Louis, execpt he had her trapped under him. He smirked down at her.

"MERCY!" Drew screamed.

"I'm sorrym I don't have any of that. What is it called again?" Louis teased.


"Really, Drew, I don't know what that-"

"What are you doing?" A confused voice asked.

Louis stopped and turned around. Ally, Chris and Jacob were staring at them. He looked back down at Drew. She was a squirming and laughing mess. Louis turned back to the kids and smiled awkwardly.

"Um, Drew and I were just, uh, having a tickle fight. She lost." Louis explained.

"No duh I lost!" Drew said, still laughing. "You pinned me down!"

Louis got up. Drew fell on the ground and continued to laugh. Louis plopped down on the couch. The three kids sat down on the couch across from the two. They all sat there awkwardly. Soon there was a knock on the door. Louis quickly got up to answer it. When he did he was a brown-haired woman.

"Hello, can I help you?" He asked.

"I heard my child was here." The woman said.

"Well who is your child?"

"Drew Baxter."

Louis' jaw clenched. He nodded. He gestured Drew's mother inside and muttered a small 'follow me, Mrs. Baxter.' He led her to the living room.

"Drew, there's someone here to see you." Louis told her.

"Who?" Drew asked as she got up off the floor.

Mrs. Baxter walked in, a large grin on her face. Drew yelped weakly. Fear entered her eyes and her face flushed white.

"Hello, Drew." Mrs. Baxter said. "How've you been?"

"M-mummy?" Drew whimpered, her voice shaky and cracking.

"Yes, dear, it's me."

"W-why are you he-here?"

"To take you home. I've met a very nice military officer that will help you straighten up your act."

Drew glared at her. Louis could tell she was about to attack. He turned to Ally, Chris, and Jacob who were still sitting on the couch. They were watching the whole scene intensely.

"Kids, why don't you go up to your rooms." Louis said. " And could you send the other guys down please?"

They nodded and ran off. Soon Niall, Liam, Harry, and Zayn came running into the living room. Drew stood her ground. Louis and Zayn walked over to her, just in case she decided to lunge.

"So how have you been, Drew? I haven't seen you since you were 14." Mrs. Baxter said.

"It's been about three years. Three freaking years!" Drew yelled. "After that long you decide to come back?!"

"Well, I missed y-"

"You don't think that I missed you when you just left me?! Or that I NEEDED YOU! I was 14 and you left! You just LEFT!"


"NO! Don't 'Drew' me! You need to listen! For once think about someone other then yourself! When you left I had nothing! NOTHING! I was scared!"

"Drew, we both knwo that you were going to end up in prison if I was there or not."


"Well you had Audrey and Connie and Mercy."

Drew put her head in her hands. She shook her head. She looked back up to her mother. Anger filled her eyes.

"Audrey and I aren't friends anymore, Connie moved to the America, and Mercy... Well I don't know what happened to her!" Drew snapped.

"Let's just forget about the past and start over, yeah?" Mrs. Baxter offered.


"Excuse me?!"

"I said no! I'm happy here! I know that Zayn and Louis and Harry and Liam and Niall all care for me and love me."

"Um, I think I love you the most." Louis stated with a smirk.

Drew nodded and Louis wrapped his arm around her waist. Drew glared at her mother.

"I think it's time to leave." She said.

"Fine." Mrs. Baxter snapped. "Have fun rotting in prison."

"I haven't been there in a year so shut up!"

Mrs. Baxter huffed and left. Drew turned to Louis, tears welling up in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around the taller boy. She started to cry into his chest.

"It's alright, Drew." Louis whispered. "It's going to be alright."

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