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-Harry Styles' POV-

Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn went out for the day, leaving me alone with the kids. I didn't mind though. They all seemed to get along well lately. None of them had any issues with each other. I just prayed that nothing was going to go wrong.

"SHUT UP!" I heard Drew scream in pain and anger.

I groaned. That was just what I needed. I stood up from the couch then raced upstairs. My blood started to boil at the thought of what she could have done. As I walked down the hallway, I saw Ally, Jake, and Chris standing outside the door. They all had scared looks on their faces.

"Harry..." Ally mumbled to me. "I'm scared."

I went into Ally and Drew's room and my heart almost stopped. Drew was curled up lazily on her bed, her eyes clenched shut tightly, her hands covering her ears, and tears streaming down her face quickly. I could hear that her breathing was heavy.

"Drew?" I whispered.

"They won't go away, Harry." Drew whimpered. "THEY WON'T GO AWAY!"

"Who won't go away?"


"Who's them?"

Drew fell completely silent. It looked like she wanted to punch something, but it also looked like she just wanted to curl up into an even tighter ball and cry for hours. She stared off brokenly. I walked towards her, only to have her retreat away from me. She hissed harshly. It took me by surprise.

"Drew, you need to tell me what's wrong." I told her sternly.

"GO AWAY!" Drew yelled in response.

She grabbed one of her pillows from behind her and threw it at me. It hit me in the face, causing me to stumble backwards. My back hit the wall and I groaned. I heard Drew snicker. I glared at her then stormed over. I grabbed her by the arm and yanked her off the bed. She whimpered as I draped her over my lap.

"Harry, don't! They're mocking me because of you!" Drew cried.

"Well you should have thought about that before." I replied.

"Please! They're calling me names! I can't take it!"

I still had no idea who she was talking about. I couldn't have been the others because they had already left. I just pushed it to the back of my head as I began spanking. Drew yelped and shifted around. I ignored it and continued. She didn't do anything to stop me. She was muttering things bitterly, bit it was clear she was talking to herself. Ever once in awhile she would let out a pained yelp or whimper in response to the swats. Finally I let her up. I set her down gently in my lap. There were fresh tears running down her face like rivers.

"Drew, who are you talking to?" I questioned.

Drew pointed to her head weakly. Her eyes were wide and held fear, like someone was going to hurt her badly if she said something. She whispered a small 'them' before running out of the room. I sighed and rested my head in my hands. The one time that I wanted everything to go right, something went wrong.


The rest of the day, I watched Drew closely. She only seemed to get worse as the day went on. She would break down at random times and start screaming at what I'm guessing were the voices inside her head. It really broke my heart to see her so miserable and broken. I tried to talk to her about it, but she only pushed me away. I wanted to talk with her so badly, I just didn't want to pester her about it. That would only make it worse.

I heard the door open and Louis yell that they were home. I smiled weakly. I got up and greeted them at the door. I pulled Louis to the side afterwards. I had a tight frown plastered on my face. Louis gave me a concerned and nervous look.

"Is everything okay?" He asked quickly.

"No." I replied. "I had to punish Drew today."


"She was really upset about something earlier so I tried to talk with her. When I did though, she yelled at me and threw a pillow at my face."

"Do you know why she did that?"

"I honestly have no clue at all. All she told me was that 'they' wouldn't stop talking and then she pointed to her head. I don't know who 'they' are."

Louis nodded in understanding. He thanked me before going off upstairs quickly. I sighed heavily and went to go talk with the others.


-Louis Tomlinson's POV-

After what Harry told me, I got really worried about Drew. I immediately went upstairs to her room, only to find that she wasn't in there. I checked with the other kids to see if she was with them. She wasn't. I got really nervous before I got an idea. I went to my room and opened the door. Like I had predicted, Drew was sitting on my bed, her legs crossed and hands placed in her lap. She had a dark blue sweater on, obviously mine. It was big on her, but she didn't seem to care at all. She really looked upset. She had dried tear streaks all over her cheeks, and her blue eyes were red and puffy.

"Hey, darling." I greeted softly. "You doing alright?"

Drew shook her head. I quickly went over to her. I sat on the bed and pulled her into my arms. She buried her face into my chest then started to cry. I slowly rubbed her back.

"Wh-why'd you leave m-me, Lou?" Drew asked, her voice pained and rough.

"I didn't leave you. I was just going out for the day." I explained.

"They to-told me that you wou-wouldn't come back, said th-that you didn't l-love me anymo-more."

"That's crazy. I would never leave you and I love you with all my heart."

Drew looked up at me with glazed over eyes. "Re-really?"


A small smile appeared on Drew's face. I smiled back and kissed her. Her smile widened. I wiped the tears away from her eyes. We lied down on the bed and she cuddled into my side. I held onto her as tightly as I could without hurting her. I just didn't want to let her go.

"Harry spanked me today." Drew whispered.

"I know, he told me." I replied.

"I deserved it though."

"I know."

"I won't do it again."

"I know."

Drew glanced up at me with a slightly annoyed look. She nudged me in the arm gently then gave me a small pout. I couldn't help but chuckle softly at her.

"Would you stop saying 'I know,' Louis?" Drew asked. "It's starting to get annoying."

"I know." I teased.

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