Beach Day

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The guys decided that it would be a good idea to go to the beach. Everyone was getting ready to go. Harry and Drew were waiting downstairs for everyone. Harry was carrying Drew, like usual. They waited patiently. Soon Ally, Jacob and Chris came bouncing down the stairs then headed out to van.

"Guys hurry up!" Harry yelled.

Finally the rest of the guys came down. They all rolled their eyes at Harry before going outside. Harry followed, locking the door behind him. He made his way over to the van. He set Drew down inside then climbed in himself.

The whole to the beach was filled with Ally, Chris and Jacob asking how much longer it was going to be. Finally they arrived. The three kids cheered and leaped out of the van. Harry picked Drew up again. They unloaded the van then made their way to the beach. The place was practically deserted. There was only one family there. It was a large family though and they stared at the gang.

"They do you think they're staring?" Ally asked.

"Probably because we have a very intimidating 16 year old that's being treated like a baby." Chris said sarcastically.


They found a spot to set up about ten feet from the water. It was pretty close to the family that was staring at them as well, so they could probably hear everything. Harry passed Drew off to Louis so he could help set up.

"Lou-Lou!" Drew cheered.

"Hey, baby girl." Louis said.

The family started talkng to each other. They weren't that quiet about it.

"They're treating her like a baby." One woman said.

"I know. She has to be at least 15 or 16." Another woman agreed.

"Then they have younger kids that they're treating like adults." A man stated.

The group just shrugged it off. Ally, Jacob and Chris ran off towards the water. The families kids ran off too and started talking with them. Drew tried to run off too but Louis caught her.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked.

"To go swim." Drew said.

"No way. I know you can't swim."

"But Louis-"

"No 'buts' Drew. I don't want my baby to drown."

She pouted. Louis kissed her forehead. Drew stomped over to the shallow-end. She walked in and plopped down. She crossed her arms across her chest. Jacob and Chris walked over to her. Chris started laughing before Jacob elbowed him in the ribs.

"Why are you over here?" Jacob asked.

"Louis won't let me go in the deep-end because I can't swim." Drew explained.

"You can't swim?! How pathetic!" Chris said.

"Gee thanks."

Chris looked down at Drew and started laughing again. Hannah stood up. She huffed and stomped her feet like a little kid. Chris laughed then left. Jacob waved weakly and left too. Drew sighed. She looked at the deep-end and smirked.

"Louis' just being silly." She mumbled to herself.

She looked over at the guys. They were all distracted. Drew smiled then headed into the deep-end. She took a deep breath. She was about to go deeper but someone grabbed her arm and dragged her out. She looked back to see Louis.

"Drew!" He snapped.

"L-Louis. I'm sorry." Drew said.

Louis smacked her bum hard. She yelped. Tears started to well up in her eyes.

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