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School on Day 16 started like every day started while I was being bullied.  I was being ignored.  I walked desolately through the hallways, drifting aimlessly like a ghost.  But not even the Winchester brothers could help me with my problem.  Well, I mean they probably could, but that would involve threatening Dallas and Breton to make them talk to me, and then they would get so mad at me they’d kill me and I’d actually be a ghost and then the Winchesters could help me because I’d come back as an angry spirit determined to haunt my two “best friends” until they died and became angry spirits.  It’d be a vicious cycle.  I sighed and pulled out a random notebook, using it as George’s replacement for now.

George 2, you’re probably wondering why everyone is mad at me.  I mean, what I said to Dallas was offensive, but not really bad considering some of the things I’ve blabbed to him before.  He’s forgiven me for more than this.  As for Breton, well he is the school bad boy.  It makes sense he’s still mad at me.  Although it’s kind of disappointing because there was a new Doctor Who episode on last night after the whole mess went down and I had to talk about it with my mom, who basically thought I was crazy.  So together we started watching Supernatural, and she understands that show a little better.  Which explains my earlier rant involving ghosts and the Winchesters.  But anyway, this morning I did something really bad.  And I can’t fix it.  

I sat down on a bench in the cafeteria, back at my old table and continued to write without looking up.

You see George 2, this morning I woke up extra early and tried to bake cookies for Dallas and Breton as an apology.  And then the fire alarm went off and while my mom cleaned up my mess I went to the bakery.  Then I stood outside the school for two hours until Dallas showed up.  I offered him the cookies and it was all okay until I opened my big fat mouth.

Sighing mournfully, I opened my lunch bag and pulled out a sandwich.  It was squished, but I didn’t have time to put anything in my locker because I was waiting for my friends.  Actually, I was even late to my first class because I couldn’t find Breton right away.

So I started apologizing.  “I didn’t mean it Dallas I really didn’t it’s just I don’t think I was supposed to let Breton know about the whole Operation 45D thing because he might try to stop me now and that makes my job harder and it’s not like either of us care about you-know-what.  Honestly we don’t.  Well I don’t.  I can’t speak for Breton, it might make him more mad at me, but he was joking about it and so I don’t think he cared.  And he hasn’t told anybody and you know I haven’t told anybody.  I’m really really sorry.”  He was caving, I saw it in his eyes.  That, and he had stuffed two whole cookies in his mouth, which I took to mean all was forgiven.  But I had to keep talking, because I’m Georgie Talbot and I don’t know when to stop.  “Seriously Dallas I’m really sorry I told my mom you were gay.  But she would’ve gotten the wrong impression and then you would’ve been banned from seeing me ever again and she would’ve filed a restraining order against you.  Then you would’ve had to move schools again.  I’m serious, she’s over-protective.  There’s a reason I haven’t had my first kiss yet.  Well, probably more than one reason...... Anyway I’m so sorry and I promise no one else will find out you’re gay from me.”  So then I smiled and turned to leave and crashed into the lead cheerleader, who is nice, but a gossip.  It turns out she heard nearly the whole thing.  Thankfully she doesn’t know about Breton.  But Dallas’ secret was all over the school in ten seconds flat, and it was all my fault.  

Some of the rumors are pretty amusing actually.  I just heard one that I’m gay and haven’t had my first kiss so Dallas was going to kiss me before he found out he was gay, then we got into an argument and he killed me.  That’s why no one has seen me all day.  Of course, the dumb blonde who said this was standing right in front of me as she said all this, turning around to find me standing there she smiled at me and walked away.  Then there was the one that said Dallas was an alien turning everyone in the school gay.  

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