Chapter 1: A meeting of a different kind

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                                                                     ¤ Somewhere north to Bree ¤

The thunder rolled over the marsh and forests like the roars and cries of soldiers on a battlefield before a last stand to the upcoming enemy. A hooded figure strolled through the trees like a shadow. Not afraid to be exposed yet not wishing for it. Under the cape, one could glimpse the onehanded sword glimpsing in the flashing lights of the many lightings that sliced through the dreary sky in the late autumn night. Growling sounds were heard through the bushes as pricking eyes followed the lone figure. The orcs had not come this close to Bree for a long time, but they sought to surround the dark, hooded figure. A target travelling alone was an easy victim. The figure, though, should not be considered a mere defenceless victim. As the orcs prepared the ambush the figure already knew they were there and took a steady hold on the sword. The orcs suddenly jumped from behind the bushes and surrounded the figure. A pale one, probably the leader, spoke to the figure in the black speech, "surrender yourself human scum, there is no help for you!" it snarled. The figure looked up and repeated in the same language, " I am no human filth" The orcs, not expecting an answer in their own tongue, only blinked once before three comrades lay dead on the ground. They starred at the figure whose eyes had begun to shine bright auburn under the hood. A firestorm suddenly came out of nowhere and burnt the orcs into crisps, only the pale orc escaped. The figure revealed her identity to that of a woman with golden eyes and auburn hair. She stood tall in the bloodshed she had created with little effort and gazed upon it with a sense of delight. A twig snapped behind her and she turned around, sword drawn. Mithrandír did not wish harm upon her as he spoke "Lower your blade young one I merely come by your demand of counsel". She did as asked "Pardons Mithrandír, I am on edge due to the late attack by a pack of filthy orcs under the command of the pale Azog the Defiler". The grey wizard nodded. He understood this well, but then he froze "Azog you say? I have no memories of possible business to be of any his worry in these lands" She shook her head "Neither I, but I believe his appearing may be due to my cause of seeking your counsel, grey wizard". Mithrandír looked at her with a sense of suspicion "When word came that a firedrake of the North was seeking my counsel and asking for advice I found it hard to believe. I must say, I find that it rather suspicious to say the least that it is no ordinary firedrake that has come to these parts of Middle Earth". The younger one gave the smallest smile " So, you know who I am Mithrandír?". " I have already told you what I know and that is not your name young one". He narrowed his eyes. Suspicious but also curious. "What is your name, may I ask? I can tell you are familiar with mine though I have yet to give it to you". The woman stood tall and faced him. "My name is what parents use to scare their children when they misbehave. It is what the old men fear when they see a burning house..." The wizard narrowed his eyes. "... it is what made the dwarves of Erebor flee from their mountain 60 human years ago, when the wind was moaning and the trees stood like torches" The grey wizard took a step back as realization grasped him and made his eyes widen. "It is truly you... ?" he spoke. The woman gestured to her being. "It is truly I" The wizard was fearsome yet not afraid. The woman saw this and spoke in a calm and hospitable tone "I go by many names: the tyrannical, the golden, the greatest of all calamities and all are true yet lies" The wizard was puzzled. A rare occasion. " I have no quarrel with the races of men, elves, dwarves, wizards or animals but their deaths does not bring me sorrow either" "What am I to make of this? And what should I call you my lady?" The woman raised her hand and smiled which gave the wizard courage and brought his mind at ease. "there is no need for formalities here Mithrandír, I would prefer my birth name if it was spoken in the tongue of present, but I find the name given to me by the songs of Middle Earth just as fine. Besides I would also see you as friend because I have seen that in your heart you own the gift of an open mind and have therefore seen what I have seen in the nearing future. This will make us allies. Would you not agree... Gandalf?" She finished her speech with a hopeful smile. The wizard looked at her. "Indeed Smaug, indeed" he said with a smile and a newfound hope in his heart.

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