Survival Skill 12: Thou must hear favors

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Survival Skill 12: Thou must hear favors

“Please!” Jamie pleaded.

“No.” I responded while putting on my backpack.

It was Monday morning and we were on our way to school. I was actually on the way out when Jamie barged into my room asking for a favor.

I still couldn’t believe what happened last Friday. The whole weekend was spent thinking about how all of that happened despite going to a “Welcome Home” party for Stan. I was dazed throughout the party and I hardly remembered any conversations there. Amy and Joey noticed this and I already knew that they would be bugging me about it later. The only thing that would make it worse would be if Violet would join them. Thankfully, she was too obsessed with Stan and their “Romeo and Juliet” escapades (I have no idea why they call it that.) at the moment.

Thinking about the Rex Parker the whole weekend was sickening.  I never want to experience anything like that ever again. Hopefully, this week would knock some sense into me.

“Please!” Jamie pleaded again, making me snap out of my thoughts.

“No!” I growled. Of course, I had to spend the start of my week arguing with my brother. I was just that lucky!






“God damn it, Jamie!”

“Come on!” he yelped.


“It’s just one night.” he cried, going down on his knees.

I scowled, looking down at him. “You don’t need to impress Bethany. If she really likes you, you don’t need to throw a cool party.” 

Bethany Jones was this adorable, little sophomore that had a crush on my little brother.

Yes, pretty girls can like monkey-butts, too.

So, apparently, she likes him and now he likes her, too. They had also gone on dates but still hadn’t made anything official yet and I had no idea why. Bethany Jones, was very pretty and not to mention had exceptionally high grades. She was, definitely, a better choice than the other bimbos Jamie had traded saliva with.

“It’s not to impress Bethany.It’s to impress her brother.” he mumbled scratching his head as he stood up, towering over me.

I rolled my eyes. So this was about Bill Jones? “You mean the basketball player that thinks he's all that?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“Yes. He is very overprotective of her and doesn’t want her to date some loser.” he replied, moping.

I rolled my eyes as I finally got what Jamie was worried about. Bill Jones was one of the cockiest guys I knew and considering that I knew Rex Parker, that was pretty cocky. He was overprotective and, not to mention, judgemental. Bullying was his current hobby in high school.

“You are not a loser, Jamie.” I assured with a grunt, crossing my arms over my chest as I started tapping my foot on the floor impatiently. “You're one of the only sophomores to get into the football team. You're also being considered as the ‘quarterback-in-the making’ and you have grades that barely pass. Does that sound like someone who’s a loser to you?” Jamie opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off before he could get a word out. “I mean, sure, the grade thing could get a lot better if you - “

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