Royal Medication Dedication (Judge Hurley Opines)

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Royal Medication Dedication

(Judge Hurley Opines)

by sloanranger

Well, Queen Alice, I do trow

you've really gone and done it now.

When I told you, 'Go make nice,'

I hadn't meant quite this advice.

To have two children at this stage,

goodness girl, think of your age!

Four small feet around the Palace,

what are you thinking, dear Queen Alice?

If Cole restarts his predilection

to pipers three, his selection –

a bad idea I do state

for the twins to emulate.

Another thought comes to the fore

your figure may go out the door.

And I recall your former mood,

how suddenly, did it turn good?

And what about our randy Cole,

of a sudden he's turned bold?

If not a mid-life change in temper

I declare I must surrender.

Methinks, perhaps a dedication

to some royal medication...

just one thing caused this attack,

you've both been gobbling Prozac!


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